Sorting and recycling in consumption: Should we trust the logos ?

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5 min readMay 17, 2023

The first thing we can do as consumers to help the environment is to sort our waste. Today, manufacturers tell us if the packaging or materials are recyclable and if so, how to do it (yellow, blue, green garbage can …) with logos and sorting instructions.

Well, that’s the theory. Because in practice, everything is not so easy. And Barnabé noticed it well! During a trip to France, he got a little lost in all the logos… Let’s take stock !

Open one of your cupboards, take the first four things you find. You will most likely notice that 4 products = 4 differents logos concerning recycling.

Barnabé did this exercise, and here is the result:

The green dot

“Green Dot” logo displayed on a plastic olive oil bottle

As surprising as it may seem, the Green Dot does not indicate that the packaging is recyclable. And no! It means that the manufacturer pays a contribution to an organization specialized in the recycling of packaging, Citeo. This contribution being mandatory, 100% of the packaging can display this green dot !

The info-sorting instructions

Information on a bag of sauce.

These instructions are the most explicit. But they do not guarantee the sorting and recycling of our packaging. In the example found by Barnabé, the packaging is not recyclable at all, so it must end up in the traditional trash. This packaging will be buried and will pollute the soil and subsoil, even the water table for hundreds of years. Terrifying, isn’t it ?

Fortunately, sometimes, these logos are very useful. Here, for example, we see that we can throw the packaging in the recycling garbage can (yellow in most cases). But be careful, the easy opening of the packaging goes in the classic trash. We have to be careful!

Sorting instructions on a parchment paper package.

We notice that this sorting instruction only concerns the product packaging. Barnabé has no idea what to do with the product contained in the packaging… Can parchment paper be recycled or not?

Triman ( sortout man), the sorting superhero!

Sorting instructions and Triman on a coffee capsule packaging

Created in 2015 but mandatory only from January 01, 2022, Triman is displayed on all packaging and recyclable products, it is coupled with the sorting instruction.

This logo aims to raise consumer awareness and draw their attention to the fact that this product should not be thrown away in the household waste garbage can (therefore not recyclable), but in a sorting garbage can.

Tidy man, the antagonist !

And yes, he can be confused with Triman ! And yet, Tidy man just encourages us to throw the product in the garbage can. This does not mean that the product is recyclable! Beware of sorting errors with Mr. Tidy !

Tidy man on the coffee capsule packaging

The logos PETE, PEHD, PP, …

They take the form of a small triangle with a number inside… and it is this number that interests us! This tells us what type of plastic the packaging is made of.

Barnabé found a package with the number 90. Recyclable or not? Good question ! Even with research, it is difficult to have a clear answer. The number 90 indicates that it is a C/LDPE composite, a mixture of plastic and aluminum, and it should be thrown away in the regular trash. The logo is therefore misleading ! Barnabé was convinced that the cat food bag was recyclable !

Logo present on the bag of kibble for cat

And yet, by taking the translation of each logo present, it is very clear!

  • The green dot, which reflects a financial contribution.
  • Tidy Man, which makes us aware of the fact to throw away the packaging.

These two logos do not reflect the fact that an object or product is recyclable. It is therefore logical that the n°90 is not recyclable !

The Möbius ring, the best for the end !

This one logo is a little bit tricky ! It symbolizes the endless cycle of recycling.

The Möbius ring, symbol of recycling !

If you find this logo alone, as shown on the pack of Barnabas’ detergent, no problem, the packaging is recyclable.

However, if a percentage is inserted inside, it has a completely different meaning! The percentage indicates the proportion of recycled material in the packaging, and does not guarantee that it is recyclable !

As always, be critical with what you see. The presence of a logo related to recycling does not guarantee the fact that it is possible to recover this waste. In addition, some local regulations can sometimes be contradictory. Ask at the town hall to know the rules in your area.

The best thing ? Let’s avoid over-packaging, let’s favor raw products, and the only waste generated could end up in compost!

Speaking of compost, did you know that it will become mandatory from January 1st 2024 ? Barnabé is looking into it and will give you all the information soon !




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