Understanding DinoVox and the Fenuaverse in 8 essential questions

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13 min readMay 25, 2023

Often described as a “world project” that deliberately extends in multiple directions and targets different audiences, the Fenuaverse and its population of DinoVox are as intriguing as they are sometimes questioning.

Disruptive, new, innovative… but familiar, welcoming, and accessible. Universal and borderless… but firmly rooted in the heart and soul of Polynesia. Purely and natively Web3… and yet user-friendly and designed to welcome, train , and convince even the most traditional social and economic actors… the Fenuaverse is here to create bridges and links.

Bridges and links, both between individuals and a set of new and exciting technologies, but also between people themselves, simply because if the innovations behind the famous Web3 represent the forefront of innovation, never before has the individual and community been at the center of the new equation.

With this intention set, how do Fenuaverse and DinoVox plan to change the virtual world of tomorrow, one digital island at a time?

1.What is FenuaVerse?

FenueVerse is the first hybrid metaverse that combines education, entertainment, and business, inspired by showcasing the Polynesia islands.

It will take the form of a massive virtual archipelago consisting of large islands ( called MOTU in Polynesian), separated by lively lagoons.

Fenuaverse will be designed to eventually accommodate hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, users and visitors.

leveraging the innovations of blockchain technology, NFTs, DAOs, crypto”assets… The Fenuaverse is intended to be fully owned — and ultimately governed — by its inhabitants and community.

Finally, it is qualified as “hybrid” in that it is designed to become the ideal gateway between the traditional economy and the new Web3 with a constant goal: to serve real people, real business, in real life, bringing growth, development, and employment to each and every one.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, investor, artist, community leader, elected official, association president, or student… Everyone will find on Fenuaverse something to feed their own development while exploring the new Web3 Continent safely.

There is not “One Fenuaverse” but a multitude, and among this multitude, the most important of all: yours!”

In many ways, FenuaVerse fits within the trend of initiatives known as “Web 2.5”.

2.What is Web 2.5?

While Web3, regardless of trends, is increasingly identified as representing the future of online digital, the sector remains complex, obscure, and even a bit worrying to the general public and businesses.

Indeed, Web3 combines a set of new technologies, unprecedented, financial and social models, and deeply disrupts certain old paradigms ( decentralization, disintermediation, peer-to-peer exchanges, DAO…)

In many ways, Web3 is thus a bearer of hope, bringing new rights and freedoms to individuals and ensuring welcome sovereignty over such central topics as finance, personal sata, identity… It is thus not out of place to speak of a “revolution” concerning Web3.

However, its is illusory to imagine that Web3 will suddenly become the new frame of reference around the world. Changes, evolutions towards new models, whose potential we can barely glimpse, will necessarily be gradual and accompanied by gentle and gradual acclimatization. This phase will last several more years.

Under these conditions, the crypto, blockchain, NFT… sectors will resolutely shed their reputation as “geeky” and slightly seedy things, and finally open up to the general public and the traditional economic world.

For all these reasons, we are currently talking about “Web 2.5” to describe initiatives that ensure the harmonious superimposition of models in order to facilitate harmonious growth, while ensuring that what works well (and does not need to be disrupted) is preserved, while identify new areas for improvement, development and growth.

Thus, Fenuaverse fully aligns with this Web 2.5 strategy, with the project of ensuring the best possible interconnection between the “old” and “new world”, for the benefit of individuals and business.

2.1. Web3 projects to conquer their next million users

Growing crypto/Web3 projects will find on the FenuaVerse a powerful growth pool, which will allow them to gain massive visibility and test their business models with a growing community over time.

A community constantly enriched by “newcomers”, eager for discoveries, innovative services and new experiences.

2.2. Traditional economy players invited to join the bandwagon

Traditional economy players will benefit from an ergonomic, accessible and secure environment on the FenuaVerse, which meets many economic, commercial and operating rules close to their own models (trade, marketing, advertising, etc.).

Companies, administrations, associations, traders, artists… newcomers will also find on the FenuaVerse a welcoming environment, conducive to acclimatization, to the new Web3 codes and models.

To do so, they will be able to count on the support of the DinoVox ecosystem (Company and Foundation, see below), but also on the community of DinoVox NFT holders.

3. How will we evolve on the FenuaVerse? What will be the user experience?

As a metaverse, the FenuaVerse will be a persistent universe (i.e. it continues to live, evolve and animate, even when the user disconnects), in 3D, in which it will be possible to move, exchange and interact with a large community.

The FenuaVerse is deeply inspired by the islands of French Polynesia, and its residents will find the light and landscapes characteristic of these wonderful archipelagos. The buildings and public spaces also pay tribute to Polynesian architecture and monuments.

Concept Art

The FenuaVerse community will be made up of MOTU inhabitants and residents (animators, shopkeepers, artists, content and experience creators…) as well as of visitors freely evolving within the natural environments (beaches, forests…), squares and public buildings.

Access to the FenuaVerse will be free for visitors, and will always remain so.

Enjoying the FenuaVerse will be possible in 3 main ways:

3.1. in Virtual Reality (VR)

The most immersive approach, this way of experiencing the FenuaVerse will also be the richest and most intense. This mode of visit will require the use of dedicated equipment (VR headset, computer), as well as an environment adapted to the user’s home.

It will be possible to go to the beaches of DinoVox Island and join an outdoor game, participate (or give) a math class, a conference on recycling and short circuits, a yoga session… Or even participate in the vernissage of your favorite digital artist.

The environments and experiences can be of two kinds:

  • Free and accessible to all public/free, but reserved to certain public (+18 years old, members of a club…) or paying ;
  • Public or private

3.2. Via desktop computer

With the condition of a less immersive experience, the FenuaVerse will also be visitable from a simple desktop computer.

The FenuaVerse will be accessible via a dedicated web portal in the form of a website with which you will be asked to log in via a Web wallet3 (for NFT DinoVox and/or FAAPU holders) or a traditional login system (in the case of simple visitors).

3.3. Via smartphone

Navigation on the FenuaVerse via a simple smartphone (and 4/5G connection) will be possible and will allow navigation and simple actions on the MOTUs.

4. What is the FenuaVerse Roadmap?

The DinoVox and FenuaVerse projects are intended to be generational and structuring.

Generational, insofar as the FenuaVerse is set up to accompany over time all new entrants in the Web3, and even to allow parents to leave a legacy to their children.

Structuring, because the FenuaVerse is intended to represent a platform for growth, development and employment for thousands of people.

In doing so, the project wishes to demonstrate the capacity of Web3 to significantly and positively modify the real economy, starting with French Polynesia (new development axes, new services, new jobs…).

These ambitions are high and would not fit with the usual roadmaps, unveiled by the more classical crypto or Web3 projects.

Indeed, the changes and effects hoped for are so profound (of a societal and macro-economic nature) that they necessarily imply a long-term and in-depth work, the only way to achieve them.

As such, the initial roadmap of the FenuaVerse is declined over 30 years, the average duration of a human generation.

“The FenuaVerse roadmap is built over 30 years. Indeed, the world cannot be changed with a snap of the fingers and nothing sustainable and solid can be built in a hurry and by trying to surf on the “trend” or the “fashion”.

Web3 is here to change our digital lifestyles in a lasting and profound way for the next generation, the FenuaVerse will accompany this revolution.”

The whole growth mechanism of the FenuaVerse, its anticipated expansion, its gradual acceptance, then massive acceptance by the general public is reflected and projected on this temporality.

30 years is also the time during which the DinoVox NFTs will progressively deliver their utilities.

Beyond this long projection, the FenuaVerse wants to be more operational on at least 2 horizons:

  • 2030, in order to be in line with the Polynesian governmental program “Innovation Strategy 2030 of French Polynesia for its sustainable and inclusive development” ;
  • Early 2024, for the strategic roadmap around the launch of several NFT collections and various entrepreneurial, social and media programs and initiatives around Web3 in Polynesia. This strategic roadmap will be unveiled in detail shortly.

5. Are the FenuaVerse and the PICS international summit related?

The Polynesian Islands Crypto Summit represented the 1ᵉʳ summit dedicated to crypto, blockchain and Web3 in Oceania.

Its first edition was held on the island of Tahiti from June 7 to 9, 2022 and brought together the Polynesian public and more than a hundred international professionals of the sector, around three days of conferences, panels and awareness.

Organized in collaboration with the French-speaking media of reference on Web3 topics, Le Journal du Coin, the PICS was a great success, demonstrating that Polynesia had its place in the concert of emerging nations at the forefront of the subject.

On this occasion, the world discovered that a huge archipelago scattered on a surface as large as Europe, in the middle of the largest ocean in the world, could become the beating heart of Web3.

For their part, the Polynesians realized that this new world was full of opportunities and tools for development and financial, technological, artistic, commercial inclusion…

In a way, the soul of the FenuaVerse was forged in this event bubbling with creativity and hope for the future of Polynesia, and more particularly of its youth and entrepreneurs.

In the end, DinoVox, the FenuaVerse and the PICS Summit are deeply linked in their sharing of a common DNA, and the pursuit of similar goals:

  • Demonstrate that French Polynesia can become a capital of the new Web3 continent, playing on equal terms with more traditional Asian, European and North American players;
  • To allow all Polynesians (and more widely, anyone who joins the adventure) to extract value from the web3 subject, by coming to discover new business models, and new tools;
  • To allow it without technological, cultural or financial barriers to entry by integrating into the equation a large part of free access, and by tirelessly emphasizing community mutual aid, benevolence and solidarity;
  • To educate, explain, illustrate and demonstrate rather than simply seek to promise and persuade. And, above all, to protect Web3 users and teach them to operate safely in the sector;
  • To make Polynesia an international source of innovation and inspiration (with priority given to other isolated or island regions) and to recall its cultural dynamism and its thousand-year-old capacity to venture into new and promising lands.

6. What about the DinoVox in all this? Welcome to the GRAOU Multiverse

The term “DinoVox” refers to several aspects of the FenuaVerse, some purely Web3, others more traditional, but all are intimately linked and aligned to serve 3 common goals:

  • To ensure the harmonious growth and development of the project in all directions;
  • To include the community at all levels, more and more as time goes by (see GRAOUvernance below);
  • To propose a coherent universe that is sufficiently large and diversified so that a maximum of individuals, projects, associations, companies… can extract value from it.

6.1 The DinoVox NFT

In their initial and probably most visible and spectacular form, the DinoVox evolve as NFT (Non Fungible Tokens)

There will never be more than 10 000 DinoVox which will be released on the FenuaVerse in successive waves of 2000 specimens:

  • 1 initial wave of 2000 DinoVox, called “Old Graou”, with special rights and privileges ;
  • 4 public waves of 2000 DinoVox each (PERMIAN, TRIAS, JURASSIC, CRETACEOUS).

6.2 The DinoVox company

Contrary to many “NFT projects” or “crypto” in 2023, often not very structured, or having legal existence only in “exotic” environments (Dubai, the Caribbean, the British Virgin Islands…), DinoVox is a real company, registered in French Polynesia (registration in progress at the time of writing).

This essential component of the FenuaVerse project aims to reassure the community and investors (DinoVox’s commercial and profit-making activities will be carried out in a regulated framework, via a legal, compliant and identifiable entity).

But having a “classic” company also has another major strategic advantage: it makes the interconnection between the nascent Web3 ecosystem and the traditional economic and social actors more natural and easier through a familiar and identifiable gateway in the form of a company with a street address.

The main professional sectors and business activities of the DinoVox company:

  • Promotion and education around new Web3 tools (NFT, DAO, blockchain…) and implementation of new crypto payment methods, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) mechanics ;
  • Advertising and marketing on the FenuaVerse and DinoVox ;
  • Web3 consulting and communication agency ;
  • Development of the Polynesian Web3 ecosystem and promotion of French Polynesia to international investors and human and technical skills (digital nomadism);
  • Audit, support and acculturation to the Web3 sector for the general public, companies and administrations (#MyFenuaVerse program);
  • Conferences and training (PICS Academy);
  • Bringing in business and redistributing it to partner actors, project management and work.
  • Support and promotion of public health in French Polynesia (Program #Graou4Fit).

6.3 The DinoVox Foundation

The DinoVox company aims at generating profits and supporting the economic growth and expansion of the Web3 sector in French Polynesia (and beyond!).

However, the designers and promoters of the project considered it essential that a second autonomous and independent entity be in charge of working exclusively for the common good and for strong causes.

DinoVox will therefore also exist in the form of a Foundation with associative status, with 2 major causes to work on:

  • The promotion and support of digital art as a new vector of expression and conservation of artistic and intangible heritage, with a priority given to artists and creators in French Polynesia, and more widely in Oceania and beyond; #Graou4Culture
  • Advocacy for environmental and animal causes, and technical, financial and strategic support for initiatives and associations working in the fields of animal preservation and biodiversity protection in French Polynesia. #Graou4thePlanet

We’ll end this quick overview by saying that each member of the growing community joining the FenuaVerse project (and later, each owner of an NFT) deserves to be awarded the title of DinoVox!

A word about the GRAOU!

As a real rallying cry of the community, DinoVoxes love nothing more than to emit powerful GRAOU! On social networks and to identify each other.

Moreover, the term GRAOU was also chosen to name the future token of the project, the $GRAOU (more details on this token which will serve as a vehicle of value exchange in a future article).

The $GRAOU token, the DinoVox treasure

Everywhere at once, in all directions, for all audiences, welcome to the DinoVox Multiverse! Which naturally leads us to the next question.

7. Why did you choose the MultiversX ecosystem to found the FenuaVerse?

Just as an artist carefully chooses his tools, brushes and supports before expressing his creativity, or a craftsman takes the time to select the best materials to build a building that will defy time, the FenuaVerse had to carefully choose the ideal technological environment to deploy itself in the coming years.

And beyond the simple technical choice, it was also necessary to ensure that this strategic choice for the future was guided by an alignment of values, but also by strict economic pragmatism.

The chosen architecture had to be :

  • Responsible and committed from an ethical and environmental point of view ;
  • Reliable, robust, auditable and transparent;
  • Progressively more decentralized and disintermediated, without ever compromising its organic and purely business growth;
  • Able to absorb significant growth in the years to come;
  • Putting ergonomics, accessibility and UX (user experience) at the center of its development strategy;
  • Offering both a platform to build solidly and sustainably, but also a wide range of powerful consumer tools to facilitate democratization through use, and by extension to be naturally declined on the FenuaVerse to the general public neophyte;

Lastly, an exploding ecosystem, rich with numerous developing players, concerned about the same issues and naturally encouraged to perceive in the FenuaVerse an obvious space for visibility, partnership and growth.

As the only blockchain ecosystem that combines all these characteristics in 2023, the MultiversX network is the best choice to support the ambitions of growth, development and democratization of the Web sector supported by the FenuaVerse.

8. What is GRAOUvernance?

GRAOUvernance is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) architecture that will gradually allow each member of the FenuaVerse community to actively participate in its evolution.

Sometimes referred to as “liquid e-democracy”, the DAO approach allows new Web3 communities to be empowered with decision-making authority, and by extension new freedoms and sovereignty, all without the need for any trusted third party or centralized entity.

Eventually, the FenuaVerse will be mostly driven by its community, through a delegation of governance.

However, this goal will require several years to be reached in a healthy and harmonious way, probably requiring many experiments, tests, failures…

However, it will be possible for DinoVox NFT holders to quickly participate in GRAOUvernance actions on initially non-strategic topics, in order to start getting familiar with this new approach on the one hand, and on the other hand, to “break in” the model and improve it progressively.

Initially, the GRAOUvernance functions will be reserved for DinoVox NFT holders of the first wave Old Graou (OG), as part of a dedicated council. For more information on GRAOUvernance, this article is for you.

Let’s end this broad overview of the FenuaVerse with a promise and an invitation: French Polynesia will become in the next decade an important place in the global Web3 industry, and everyone who reads this is invited to participate in this common and collective ambition!




Adopt a #NFT DinoVox, join the FenuaVerse community, land on a mysterious island and start building your adventure