How to Deal with Someone Who is Easily Offended

Liane Davey
Diogenes Lounge
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2019


Easily offended. Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Well, we survived the holiday season, but maybe just barely. Is it just me, or did you also have to deal with a growing number of people who seem to be offended about things — silly things… important things…everything!?!

As soon as someone makes it clear that they’re offended, it’s tempting to just move on. But what if you have to deal with that person all the time? What if you actually feel badly about offending them? What if you need a way to redirect your conversations rather than letting them deteriorate?

Well, there’s hope.

Offended Doesn’t Equal Offensive

The most important thing to realize when thinking about how to deal with someone who’s offended is that their taking offence does not necessarily mean that you were offensive. Let me say that again.

Someone can be offended without you having been offensive.

That is really important to remember.

When you keep that in mind, you eliminate the most aversive part of dealing with offended people — the propensity to question yourself. Is she saying I’m a bad person? Am I a bad person? I don’t think I’m a bad person.

When you understand that someone can be offended without having to take ownership of those feelings…



Liane Davey
Diogenes Lounge

NYT Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Ph.D. Organizational Psychology, Conflict Doctor