The Pain Point of the Art Industry Part 1

Art Dip
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

Narrow distribution channels and high exchange threshold.

Due to the scarcity and high-value attributes of art, the amount of art investment is high, and the transparency of art information is low, which makes investors have high requirements for the professional and experienced art accumulation of art collection, resulting in the entry threshold for art investment is high, and ordinary people cannot participate in related circulation and investment.

The lack of artist training

The training of young artists in China is still in its infancy, which has a lot to do with the current educational methods in the field of Chinese art. The art education system around China’s large-scale cultivation of colleges and universities is still in the stage of primary art education. There are many people, such as a large number of people, poor awareness of individualized training, lack of art information, and logical logic of thinking. It is impossible to implement the elite education of art education in education, which leads to the teaching problems of single art form and weak creative thinking in Chinese class education. There is also a small success rate in the incubation of artists, which cannot be included in the camp of international artists.

Traditional trading center development

Traditional trading methods include galleries, fairs, private transactions, etc. Due to information asymmetry, nearly 50% of high commissions and narrow trading channels lead to great risks in art trade and high transaction costs, leading to participation. There are fewer and fewer people trading, and the circle of art trade is getting smaller and smaller. The opponents of trading are often confined to small circles with similar social status and mutual recognition.


#Art Industry




Art Dip

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