Static Code Analysis — A Personal Research Story

Whether you have never heard of this before, you don’t know enough about it, or you already know but care to hear different perspectives, in an informative and personal story kind of way, this is for you.

Mark Tey 🦊


I had no idea what Static Code Analysis was until I was given the job to find an alternative software solution on that.

It was the beginning of the last semester, a few months away from finishing my graduation in Information Systems Engineering. Before that, I was sure I wanted to work in the Cybersecurity area, but I didn’t know how vague of an idea that was.

Before continuing, to give you a general idea, here is a picture with some specific possibilities on the Cybersecurity area:

Figure from:

Yes, it’s a lot, and I found out the importance of specifying that, only after being inquired a couple of times.

Then, I started working for the first time, for Dipcode, as a trainee.

My training in general, was to do some research in the Application Security field, work that I ended up with, after showing my interest in the area of Cybersecurity at one of the job interviews.



Mark Tey 🦊

Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.