I was told depressed people meditate, but I have been practicing it for 6 years.

Dipti Rai
Dipti Writes
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2022

Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

I sat in a park sitting in silent meditation when “X” told me I do not need all this.

Are you depressed?

I saw people around me have a notion that meditation is something that is practiced in old age when you have almost lived your life.

However, meditation was something that came to me because I needed it. My always racing mind, continuous rumination, and worries about my life. My focus was on what is wrong rather than what is right in my life.


I was working at a job where I could not fit in and was going through personal problems. When I saw a poster for a stress reduction workshop at my office building, I immediately signed up for the heartfulness meditation class. I had never meditated before, but I was curious about it.

After just 15 minutes of meditating, I thought I finally found something to ease myself.

I did all 3-day of the workshop and to date; I believe this workshop saved my life.

When you are thirsty, you need water. Meditation was something similar to me.

The serenity and the calmness I felt after a few mediation classes were priceless.

I went home, and I wanted everyone in my home to experience what I had experienced.

If you are still contemplating the reasons, you must sit in silence and do nothing. Here are 6 reasons for you to think about.

6 reasons, if you are thinking, why meditate?

  1. When I look at you, I find calmness

Two years after my meditation practice; I was standing near the lift lobby when one of my colleagues came to me and said I don't know why when I look at you; I see so much calmness and peace.

Really? He was talking about the same person, who was full of worries, anxiety, and no clue how to ease down her over-functioning mind.

2. Bye-Bye Stress

My stress level reduced considerably after practicing meditation. I was, in fact, at a point in my life where I was fighting with low self-esteem. It was difficult to stay in the way I was leading my life and meditation came as a light.

I had good cries in my meditation practice, and it was healing to find the space where I sat with my feeling and felt them instead of numbing them.

3. Being in the moment

While we are busy making plans and dreaming, life is happening in the present moment. I have been guilty of not being in the present while listening to people, loved ones, etc. Meditation makes you appreciate every moment you are living.

4. Better relationship

Our relationship with everyone improves when we better our relationship with ourselves. Meditation taught me to be still, which helped me to be present with people around me. To give my close people's attention and just be with them without getting carried away with unreasonable worries.

5. Clarity of thoughts

When you slow down, you give yourself space to think clearly.

Space and solitude are musts to look within ourselves and ask ourselves what we need in this current moment. When we think clearly, we make better decisions for ourselves.

6. Connection to greater wisdom

During my meditation practice, I have made insightful discoveries and received insightful wisdom. I never knew where they come from, but each insight I get after meditating is just what I had to listen to. It was just required and so it is like having that connection with the higher power, the universe, or whatever you say.

With those above benefits, I would ask you one question.

Would you wait for your old age to experience something like this? Or do you want to taste the bliss of meditation to make your life easy?



Dipti Rai
Dipti Writes

I write about personal development, sensitivity, emotional wellness, and meditation.