Making a Payday Loan Work for You Is Easy If You Take the Time to Understand How They Work.

John Mitchell
Information On Payday Loan
4 min readMay 1, 2014


A shortage of cash is no fun! Payday loans are used by millions of people every year as a solution to a short term cash shortage. Users of Payday loans are normal hard-working people just like you and I. They are simply people who need to access cash quickly until they are next paid. It can happen to any of us, and for many of us, it’s good to know there is a simple way to address a sudden cash emergency.

Even for those of us who carefully budget each month, at times, additional expenses can crop up and it can be difficult trying to cope with commitments when money is running low. Payday loans represent a simple and effective way of borrowing a small amount of money for a short period of time, and then repaying it in full when you are next paid.

Payday loans have been specially designed to provide borrowers with a fast, short term solution to their cash shortage. If you are considering applying for this type of credit, here are some helpful tips to assist you with your decision. Understanding how these loans work, and being fully aware of your rights and responsibilities as the borrower, will help you get the best from a short term loan.

The first step is to calculate exactly how much your loan will cost you and to ensure the amount you wish to borrow can be easily repaid in full when your next wage arrives in the bank. Think about your monthly expenses and financial commitments. The amount you can borrow against is your disposable income, or in other words, the amount that is left after everything else is paid. From this amount, you can choose the size of loan that will help you. By calculating the size of your loan this way, you will be able to repay the loan as agreed, and not suffer any cash shortages in the following month.

This is where some lenders make a mistake. They borrow more than they can really afford, and then after repaying the loan, they struggle the following month too. This is not recommended, and it is not the best way to operate with a short term cash advance. Successful lenders think carefully about their levels of borrowing before agreeing to the credit agreement.

The next step is to read the terms and conditions of the loan. Make sure you understand your responsibilities as the borrower. Different lender’s terms and conditions can vary slightly, but the majority of them will present you with a standard credit agreement where you agree to repay the loan by an agreed date. The repayment date is usually your next pay day, when your wage goes in to the bank.

Working with a trusted and reputable lender will give you the assurance that you will be treated fairly and professionally. Even in the most stressful circumstances, when you are extremely stressed, try not to rush in to a credit agreement with a lender you are unsure about. Take the time to make sure they are reputable.

You can spot a good lender by the level of service and information they provide, prior to applying for a loan. They should have a professional website, and you should be able to find real reviews from genuine clients who have successfully borrowed in the past. You will be given details of the interest rates, any fees associate with a loan, and there will be a full explanation of how the application process works. The application will be simply laid out and easy to complete, but it will be a formal application, requiring the correct information to be supplied.

If you are in employment and over 18, with an active UK bank account, you will be eligible to apply. You will be asked to supply your full name, date of birth, address and full employment details. You will also need to provide your bank account details. Once you have completed the application, it will be processed very quickly. Most successful applicants receive a response within minutes, and the money is transferred in to their account within the hour.

If you every need some additional cash, there is no need to worry. Instead, take the time to consider your options, and find a Payday loan which suits your needs. For More Information Visit



John Mitchell
Information On Payday Loan

I am customer service manager at DoshDelivery is a pay day loan company. Visit