Direct Selling Continues To Break Records!

SPECIAL MARKET REPORT: State of the Profession

Direct Selling Times
Direct Selling Times
6 min readJun 29, 2018


Here’s more great news for everyone involved in Direct Selling. The Mastermind Event has released a slide presentation with the most recent growth figures for Direct Selling. The presentation is filled with easy-to-understand and easy-to-share graphics. We’ve included many in this update.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Direct Selling hit a record $189.6 Billion in sales in 2017.
  • Approximately $76 Billion was paid to distributors in 2017, the equivalent of about $208 million in commissions per day!
  • Direct Selling companies have generated nearly $1.5 TRILLION dollars in sales since 2009 and paid over $600 BILLION in commissions to distributors.
  • Direct Selling reached a record 116.7 million distributors in 2017.
  • Sales by region indicate a significant amount of exciting future growth potential in each region.
  • Women represent 74% of all Direct Selling distributors worldwide.
  • The majority of Top 20% income earners in Direct Selling are women and couples.
  • Direct Selling companies are on pace to create $1 TRILLION in sales over the next 5 years
  • Direct Selling companies are on pace to pay out over $400 BILLION in commissions to distributors over the next 5 years!

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DOWNLOAD the slideshow presentation.

Direct Selling hit a record $189.6 Billion in sales in 2017.

Direct Selling companies paid $76 Billion to distributors in 2017 — that’s about $208 million in commissions per day!

Direct Selling companies have generated nearly $1.5 TRILLION dollars in sales since 2009 and paid over $600 BILLION in commissions to distributors.

“Direct Selling is one of the simplest paths to entrepreneurship.” –Art Jonak

Direct Selling reached a record 116.7 million distributors in 2017.

On average, a Direct Seller creates $1600 in personal sales volume (their orders plus their personal customer orders) per year. A team of 100 distributors would create an average of $160,000 in sales per year! In the future, as customer to distributor ratios go up, this average number is expected to go up as well.

Sales by region indicate a significant amount of exciting future growth potential in each region.

Since 2012, ALL markets have grown. Africa/Middle East leads all growth with a 73% increase ($1.01B to $1.75B), followed by Asia with a 37% increase, South America with 27%, Europe with 23%, and North America with 10.5%.

The Top 5 Direct Selling markets are the U.S., China, Korea, Germany and Japan.

Direct Selling sales are experiencing a 3.7% compounded annual growth rate.

Direct Selling creates a truly equal opportunity for women and men.

Women represent 74% of all Direct Selling distributors worldwide.

Women Direct Sellers outnumber men by a significant margin in all regions. South America has the highest percentage of women (86%) who are Direct Sellers, while Asia has the lowest (68%).

The majority of Top 20% income earners in Direct Selling are women and couples.

In the United States, Direct Selling hit $34.9 BILLION in sales.

There are approximate 18.6 MILLION distributors in the United States.

The TOP 5 U.S. States for Direct Selling are Texas, California, New York, Florida and Illinois.

Direct Selling offers EVERYONE an equal opportunity, regardless of your age, sex, religion, education, skill level, skin color or past history. If you bring your passion, your desire and willingness to work hard then the Direct Selling profession can offer you a bright future.

Millennials represent the largest group in Direct Selling, followed by Gen X and Baby Boomers.

In the United States, women represent 74% of all Direct Sellers, which happens to be exactly the same as the global average.

In 2007, men represented only 12.1% of Direct Sellers. Ten years later they represent 26.5%.

Direct Selling is geared for growth over the next 5 years, on pace to do over $1 TRILLION in sales and pay distributors $400 BILLION in commissions.

“Direct Selling is no longer on trial. It’s a proven and viable profession. A profession that’s helping millions of people get ahead financially and moving them closer to their dreams.” –Art Jonak

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Direct Selling is an “all inclusive” term that includes everyone in Network Marketing, Social Selling, Social Marketing, Leveraged Sales, Direct Sales, Social Commerce, Party Plan and Multi-level Marketing (MLM).

