Having Trouble Meeting People?

What to say to build confidence when meeting new people.

Mastermind Event, Inc.
Direct Selling Times
3 min readJun 30, 2017


What does our new distributor think when we tell them, “Go out and meet some new people!”

They may think, “I don’t know what to say. How can I approach strangers? I don’t want to look like a sleazy salesman.”

For our least-skilled distributor, we need to start at a very low level. In the beginning, we could teach our new distributor to smile. That is a start. Later, we can teach our new distributor to say, “Hi.” With these small successes, our new distributor gains confidence.

Next, we can teach our new distributor how to engage in conversation. We show our new distributor phrases such as:

“What’s new with you?”
“I am just curious …”
“Well, you know how …”
“Tell me more.”

These phrases are not offensive to prospects. Again, our new distributor will have more success and will gain confidence. Getting experience in talking to people is critical.

Think of it this way. Do we remember the first time we had to ask for a date or request a favor from a stranger?

We were nervous and probably made the other person nervous as well. We don’t want to approach a prospect if it is the first time we are talking to a stranger. We want to get a little bit of experience first.

Once our new distributor feels comfortable talking to strangers, that’s a good time to introduce “ice breakers.” These are statements that introduce our product or opportunity into a casual conversation. Now, the prospects can react and request more information.

What are a few good opening lines (“ice breakers”) for a story to a prospect?

Prospects are busy. We want to get them involved in our story immediately. Here are a few opening phrases that might help us get to our story faster:

“Here is what happened to me…”
“When you use our product, here is what happens …”
“Imagine this…”

Look for more “ice breakers” in future articles.

Many new distributors already feel comfortable talking to strangers, so all we have to do is give them new “ice breakers” to say. But let’s not forget the new people who are shy or inexperienced. Our job as Direct Selling leaders is to help them progress and learn new skills in their business.

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— Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
Mastermind Event Presenter

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