Look For People With Problems

Exactly what to say when prospects say they have a problem.

Direct Selling Times
Direct Selling Times
2 min readJul 25, 2018


Looking for prospects with problems can help us build our Direct Selling (Network Marketing) business faster, especially when we know exactly what to say to them.

When our prospects say they have a problem, I like asking this:

“Do you want to do something about it?”

Our prospects have two possible answers:

1. “Yes.” Easy. Now we can offer our solution. These prospects want what we have to offer.

2. “No.” Prospects seldom say, “No.” Instead, they list their excuses, issues, doubts, problems, change the subject, and well, we don’t have to deal with these prospects. Simply move on.

Asking “Do you want to do something about it?” helps makes sales presentations rejection-free since we only talk about our products or business with the prospects who say, “Yes.”

— Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
Mastermind Event Presenter

Tom “Big Al” Schreiter has over 20 million books about Network Marketing in print. He has presented to several million Network Marketing distributors live on stage in over 60 countries.

