The Best Story in Network Marketing

Prospects love stories. A story is a great way to communicate. But what is the best story to tell?

Direct Selling Times
Direct Selling Times
3 min readAug 12, 2018


Prospects love stories. A story is a great way to communicate without setting off sales alarms, unreasonable resistance, skepticism and negativity.

But what is the best story to tell?

Our story.

Everyone has a great story about something. Maybe it is why we started, or what caused us to look for an opportunity. Or, if we were more successful, we could tell the story of the trip we won or having our car payments made for us.

What’s the second best story to tell?

The story of how we affected other people’s lives. We can share their testimonies and experiences they had with our products or opportunity.

Yes, everyone loves a good story, but how long should this story be?

One technique is to use a micro-story. This type of story is ten to twenty seconds long. At the end of the micro-story our prospects can make a decision if they want to know more … or not.

If our prospects give us permission for more time, then we can tell our longer stories.

But what about our presentation and company video? Well, stories are much more interesting to prospects. We should stick to our stories as long as we can.

The bottom line?

We all tell stories. It is natural. By learning new stories, our Network Marketing message can impact more prospects.

Want an example of a micro-story?

Here is one for weight-loss:

“For the past 10 years, I set a New Year’s goal to lose weight … and I failed every year. But this year, I set a weight-loss goal for the year, and have already lost all the weight. (The end.)”

Here’s a micro-story for utilities:

“Every month I used to get a utility bill. Now they send me money instead. (The end.)”

Here’s are two for the opportunity:

“I always knew having a side business could help me get ahead financially faster, but I always pushed off starting one. Now that my side business helped me double my income, I wish I’d started one sooner! (The end).”


“I used to lose two hours of my life every day commuting to my job. Those hours were lost forever. Now I have them back by working from home. (The end).”

You get the idea. Now go craft a few micro-stories of your own and go share them with others.

— Tip courtesy of Mastermind Event presenter Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

Tom “Big Al” Schreiter has over 20 million books about Network Marketing in print. He has presented to several million Network Marketing distributors live on stage in over 60 countries.

