What Exactly Do You Want Me To Do?

How to help our distributors begin to accept personal responsibility for their Direct Selling business.

Mastermind Event, Inc.
Direct Selling Times
2 min readJul 2, 2017


Have you ever had a distributor call you and say something like:

“Oh, I can’t be successful because my sponsor doesn’t help me enough. I need more help. Why doesn’t my upline sponsor a group for me or place a leader into my organization? Why doesn’t my sponsor do my work and prospect, make calls, and present my Direct Selling business to my prospects for me?”

As leaders, we can only smile when we get calls like this. We know the caller is avoiding personal responsibility for his results and just wants to blame everyone in the world but himself.

So what can we tactfully say to our distributor to help him grow up and accept personal responsibility? How about replying to them by saying:

“So what exactly do you want your sponsor to do that you are unwilling to do for yourself?”

It’s not guaranteed, but most distributors will at least begin to accept personal responsibility for their business.

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— Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
Mastermind Event Presenter

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Direct Selling Times

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