Everything That’s Worked Doesn’t Anymore

Old personal development techniques to control our reality are tanking

The Divergent Shift
All 4 Inclusion


Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

What now?

What do I try?

How can I fix things?

I realized as I came to a hard fall — nothing is working now. I’ve studied personal development, spirituality, manifestion, natural laws, the occult tirelessly for 12 years now.

Last year, things came to head when I stopped trying to “fix myself”. Now this was a heavy surrender of controlling my reality.

I’ve always been averse to trying to manipulate the universe — usually it’s to get what you think you want/feel might be possible.

However I feel it’s important to learn to step into your creatorship as well.

What techniques am I talking about:

Doing gratitude exercises with the intention of getting more.

Purposefully trying to stay high vibration to manifest.

Trying to fix yourself or do inner work from a place of wanting a part of you or emotions to go away.

Hard work to get somewhere else.

Trying to loose weight by doing what you did 15 years ago.



The Divergent Shift
All 4 Inclusion

Advocating for neurodiversity & mental health | Dedicated to practical spirituality & holistic well-being | Writer on meaningful living, joy, and growth.