The Art of Patience: Lessons Learned From Having a Disability

Isaac Harvey MBE
All 4 Inclusion
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


In life there are many of us who are always in a rush, zipping past each other to catch the next train — even if there’s another one coming just a few minutes later. The instant replies on WhatsApp, quick turnarounds at work and that constant push to be faster. And don’t even get me started on people’s attention spans on social media.

A smiling man sits in his wheelchair in front of a graffiti wall.
ID: Isaac is sitting in a motorised wheelchair, smiling and looking directly at the camera. He’s wearing a black jumper and his wheelchair has a bright yellow smiley face sticker on it… I feel we can appreciate some positivity! He’s outside in front of a brightly coloured graffiti wall, giving street art vibes. In other words get yourself to Waterloo in London and check out the graffiti tunnel. Photo taken by Laura Dale!



Isaac Harvey MBE
All 4 Inclusion

Disability advocate, content creator who is sharing unique stories from overcoming barriers to embracing life.