Who In My Family Can Receive SSDI Dependent Benefits?

In order to receive monthly disability benefits, you must file a claim with the Social Security Administration (SSA). If the agency finds proof that you fit within its narrow definition of disabled and cannot work for at least 12 months (or your condition is expected to result in your death), you will be granted SSDI benefits. Once you’re approved, you might wonder which family members can receive SSDI dependent benefits.

Can Family Members Get SSDI Dependent Benefits?

The short answer is yes, certain immediate family members might also qualify for SSDI dependent benefits once your claim’s approved. This list includes:

  • Spouse
  • Divorced spouse
  • Children
  • Adult child disabled before age 22
  • Disabled child

How Much In SSDI Dependent Benefits Can Family Members Receive Each Month?

The SSA states that each family member may qualify for monthly benefits up to half of your own disability rate. Still, it’s important to note the limit on how much the SSA can pay your family. Collectively, the finalized amount depends on your benefit income and the number of family members who qualify for SSDI dependent benefits. In most cases, that amount ranges between 150%-180% of your individual monthly disability check.

How Can Spouses Qualify For SSDI Dependent Benefits?

Any spouse who qualifies for SSDI dependent benefits must be 62 or older unless he or she collects a higher Social Security benefit based on his or her own earnings record. A stay-at-home parent spouse of any age can qualify for SSDI dependent benefits up until the child turns 16.

Even if you’re remarried, a divorced spouse may qualify for SSDI dependent benefits if:

  • the marriage lasted at least 10 years
  • he or she is at least 62 years old
  • he or she is currently unmarried
  • the divorced spouse is not eligible for an equal or higher benefit based on his or her own Social Security work credit records

Biological or adopted kids and stepchildren may qualify if:

  • they are unmarried and under age 18
  • age 18 or 19 and a full-time student (up to 12th grade in high school)
  • or older than 18 with a disability that started before age 22

Dependent grandchildren may also be eligible for SSDI dependent benefits. Additionally, disabled children must meet the SSA’s same definition of disability that’s used for adult claimants.

Consider Getting Professional Legal Assistance

Understanding the SSDI benefits application process and what comes after you’re approved can be confusing. It can be helpful to contact an advocate or attorney to help you make sense of your SSD benefits and determine which of your family members may qualify for SSDI dependent benefits.

To see if you may qualify for legal assistance securing SSDI dependent benefits for your family, click here to start your free benefits evaluation now.



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