Summertime Accidents: What Should You Do When You Get Injured on Your Summer Vacation?

Summertime Accidents: What should you do when you get injured on your summer vacation?

The summer months bring with them trips to the shore, the boardwalk, amusement parks, festivals and all of the other fun events happening this time of year. However, with all of these fun events comes the increased risk for an accident to occur. What would YOU do if you were injured while out having some summer fun this year?

Join Elizabeth Berenato, Esq.,Certified Civil Trial Attorney at Bross & Frankel, P.A. on this NEW episode of RVN Television’s Coffee with Joe. On this episode, Ms. Berenato is joined by Adam Kotlar, Esq. and Justin Cohen, Esq. of Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen — The People First Lawyers to discuss what you need to do if you sustain an injury while enjoying all that summer has to offer.

Click here to watch:



Bross & Frankel, P.A.

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