DISARM Update: Version 1.4

Disarming Disinformation
1 min readMar 13, 2024

DISARM Version 1.4 update adds 11 new Techniques, 13 updated Techniques, 2 removed Techniques, 3 new Incidents, and a request for feedback regarding TA07 (Check out the below document for a deep dive into each of the changes made in DISARM Version 1.4).

DISARM is looking for feedback to guide future updates. We want to establish which features of DISARM Red are useful, need improvement or should be added to future iterations. We also want to ensure that DISARM is compatible with other frameworks, such as Actor-Behaviour-Content-Distribution and Effect (ABCDE), so we want to know which other frameworks our users incorporate into their analysis and how we can better support interoperability between these different frameworks.

Getting your feedback means a lot to us. We’re in the position where we can make significant, meaningful improvements to the DISARM Red framework, and by completing the survey, you’re helping guide what those improvements will be. We appreciate everyone who takes the time to respond.

Anyway, here’s DISARM Version 1.4!

You can download the DISARM Version 1.4 patch notes here.

