Today’s Critical Disaster Intelligence Brief — Jul 19, 2024

Critical disaster and crisis insights of the last 24 hours

Today’s news is dominated by a series of natural disasters across the globe, including a deadly heat wave in Texas, devastating floods in Toronto, heavy rainfall and flooding in South Korea, a powerful earthquake in Chile, several tornadoes in the US, and wildfires in Southern Europe.

United States


  • Drake’s Toronto home, known as “The Embassy,” was hit by floods. The Canadian rapper joked about the situation on Instagram, saying that the rushing floodwaters “better be espresso martini.”

South Korea




The last 24 hours have been a stark reminder of the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters across the globe. From deadly heatwaves to powerful earthquakes, the events of today raise serious concerns about the need for improved disaster preparedness, resilience, and climate change mitigation strategies. It also underscores the interconnectedness of our world, as these events impact not only individual countries but also global economies and the international community.

#naturaldisasters #heatwave #earthquake #flooding #wildfires #climatechange #disasterpreparedness #globalnews #breakingnews #worldnews



Dr. Fahim K Sufi, CTO & Research Scientist
Disaster & Public Health Journal

PhD (Comp Sc), M Eng (Comp Sys), Dip (Mgmt), Grad Cert (Res Com), B (Comp Sc), Cert IV (TAE), ITIL V3, PRINCE2, TOGAF 9, Archimate 3, Microsoft Azure Certified