Today’s Critical Disaster Intelligence Brief — Jul 20, 2024

Critical disaster and crisis insights of the last 24 hours

Today’s news has been dominated by a range of natural disasters, with torrential rains leading to flooding and landslides in parts of Asia, while an earthquake struck off the coast of Chile and a waterspout was spotted near the Philippines. The United States has also been dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, with estimates placing industry insured losses in the billions of dollars.





United States

The last 24 hours have been marked by a concerning number of natural disasters, highlighting the increasing vulnerability of our planet to climate change and the need for greater preparedness and mitigation efforts. These events underscore the urgency for global collaboration on addressing climate change and supporting communities affected by these disasters.

#naturaldisasters #climatechange #flooding #earthquake #waterspout #hurricane #globalwarming #preparedness #mitigation #disasterrelief #communitysupport #news #currentaffairs #weather #emergencyresponse



Dr. Fahim K Sufi, CTO & Research Scientist
Disaster & Public Health Journal

PhD (Comp Sc), M Eng (Comp Sys), Dip (Mgmt), Grad Cert (Res Com), B (Comp Sc), Cert IV (TAE), ITIL V3, PRINCE2, TOGAF 9, Archimate 3, Microsoft Azure Certified