DiscOLOvery #10 : instarunners in Berlin

Run w/ OLO
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2017

Capital city of Germany, Berlin is a world city of culture, politics, media, science … and sports.

Since 1974 Berlin holds its own Marathon, which is part of the World Marathon Majors, along with five other races. This marathon is famous for being very flat, windless, and have cheering spectators, which makes it one of the “fastest” marathons worldwide. Actually, the five last worldrecords were set there, the latest being Dennis Kimetto in 2 hours 2 minutes and 57 seconds in 2014!

Want to beat this record? (at Apolo we like dreamers!) : the next edition will take place in september 2017!

let’s discover this place with some of the best Berlin Runners accounts …


We usually like to talk about running accounts with our own words, but RunPackBerlin know what they want and where they are going, so we could not describe them better than they do it themselves:

“ Founded in early 2013 by a group of runners that had their own vision of a running crew, we rose to become an established part of the Berlin running community. At weekly runs and weekend events our international crew gathers in Berlin/Mitte to chat, party, hang out and most importantly — to run and to train.

We do not only care about how fast we run, but also a lot with whom we run. We travel together to races abroad to discover cities and to meet people that we share our passion with. We are not just a club. We are family and friends. We are RUN PACK. We run the streets of Berlin and we love running.”

Learn more at @RUNPACKBERLIN


We might not be able to pronounce or even spell her nickname properly, but we really like this Berlin triathlete account.

Nadin is a professional Triathlete / Yogi / Surfer who also writes books, and her pictures are very inspirationnal.

According to our sources, her nickname means “Ice cubes in shoes” … Ok, our source might be Google Translate, but for sure this girl has something in her shoes that keeps her from standing still, and we love it!



This account might not be strictly speaking a Berlin running account, but we liked it too much not to share it with you.

Oriane Applebum is a french-german Berlin based ultrarunner and trail lover. She is ambitious, passionate and determined, as much as this David Mc Kay’s quote she mentions on her blog:

‘Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best.’

Most of her lovely pictures are taken outside of the city, during her trail sessions and are breathtaking, so take a look at it!

Learn more at @MOVINGUPHILL


We often find instagram profiles of people who are proud “runner and mum / dad”. Well, Natascha on her side is a proud runner and “daughter of two 6 times Ironman”. No wonder where she got her inspiration from !

Originally from Frankfurt, Natascha now lives in Berlin with her husband, also a runner, of course.

We like her account, which is a perfect mix of running pictures, food recipes, and everyday life. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we did!


We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Berlin !
Want to be featured in one of our next discOLOvery blogposts ? Drop a DM at @olo on Instagram or send an email to
lisa@apolo.io .

An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



Run w/ OLO

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