DiscOLOvery #11 : instarunners in Melbourne

Run w/ OLO
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2017

Melbourne is the capital city of the Victoria State, in Australia, and it has been awarded as the “most liveable city” for the last 6 years, so we had to check if it is also one of the most runnable cities!

The answers seem to be yes: Melbourne is a beautiful city, with a diversified culture and a lot of running routes.

If you are planning a trip there, here are two articles about the best urban running tracks and trails! But for now, let’s discover some runners who will show you the city in it’s best way!


How could we write a DiscOLOvery about Melbourne without talking about Genevieve Lacaze?

“GenGen’s” face looks familiar? It’s normal, you might have seen her on TV at the Rio Olympic Games, representing Australia. She is a professional athlete specialized in 3000m steeplechase, and she holds the australian record in that discipline!

We definitely love her account and seeing her training pictures is so inspiring! And how cool is it to take pictures with Usain bolt? :o

Learn more at @GENGEN_LACAZE and http://genevievelacaze.com/


Anneliese is also an Olympian athlete, and at only 23 she already has an impressive carreer!

Her speciality is the 400m, and let me tell you she’s fast!

Her profile is a mix of her trainings, official races, and some more personnal pictures, and it’s worth taking a look :).

Learn more at @ANNELIESERUBIE and https://annierubie.wordpress.com/


Let’s move on to a different approach of running: With Kat, it’s not about the pace and being fast, it’s about the distance!

Kat is an ultrarunner who already ran two 50km races, one 60km, and one 70km… and we are pretty sure that there is more to come!

Her moto is “Run Happy”, and we like that!

Learn more at @RUNWITHKAT


Last but not least…

Richard Bowles is a runner, an entrepreneur, and definitely a great adventurer.

“I’m A Normal guy, With a radically different view”

He is known as one of the most adventurous trail runners in the world, and already took up challenges that led him to run 95 kilometers per day for months… I guess we can definitely call him an ultrarunner!

But Richard Bowles is also a great entrepreneur, and when he is not on a running adventure, he advises top business leaders in their strategy, often using what he learnt from his extreme experiences.

Running and Entrepreneurship put together in one place, this is exactly our vision, so we are huge fans of this “Runpreneur” !

Learn more at @RUNPRENEUR or https://www.richardbowles.com.au/

We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Melbourne !
Want to be featured in one of our next discOLOvery blogposts ? Drop a DM at
@olo on Instagram or send an email to lisa@apolo.io .

An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



Run w/ OLO

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