DiscOLOvery #15 : instarunners in Buenos Aires

Run w/ OLO
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2017

New week, new place, new continent… let’s head south to Buenos Aires!

I’ve been there myself many years ago, and at this time I did not know the joys of running. I guess I was also too young to enjoy all the wonders of this amazing city, but I still remember Caminito and it’s colourful buildings, Plaza de Mayo and it’s incredible story, and the delightful atmosphere of the whole city, with its Tango clubs for people of all ages, its “Parrilla” restaurants that will serve you the best beef you ever had, and so much more…

And Buenos Aires is not only a great city for soccer , it is also a great place for runners! Whether you want to discover some parts of the city while running such as Puerto Madero and Palermo, or discover some amazing trail routes just outside the city, there will definitely be something for you!

But for now, hold on before buying your plane ticket, and first read our article about four Instarunners in Buenos Aires ;)


Rebecca Del Castillo Perez is a trail runner and a biker, who describes herself as “Cazadora de sueños”, which means “dreams hunter”. She definitely loves adventure and running up all the hills she finds!

But Rebecca also has a special story: she‘s been living with a pacemaker since 1999. Rebecca is a great exemple who proves that passion for sports can give you some incredible determination and strength!

On her account you will find amazing trail pictures, and if you understand spanish her captions are really inspiring too.

Learn more at @RBKDC


Loreley Castro is a very sporty girl living in Buenos Aires.

She is a Nike Training Club Instructor, a sports teacher, as well as a swimming coach! Her daily posts are really full of joy, and it will definitely give you inspiration to do sports and have a great day!

Learn more at @LORELEYCASTRO


Sofia Luna is an athlete, and a model. She combines her passion for sports with her work, and she’s doing great!

Her pictures are really inspiring, and her captions too, unfortunately you will have to know spanish or to translate it.

Learn more at @SOFILU20


Santiago is a Nike Running Club coach, who really seems to love what he does!

He leads a group of runners through Buenos Aires several times a week, and shares cool pictures of it.

If we ever go for a run in Buenos Aires, we will definitely follow him :) .

Learn more at @COACH_SANTICHAO

We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Buenos Aires!
Want to be featured in one of our next discOLOvery blogposts ? Drop a DM at @olo on Instagram or send an email to
lisa@apolo.io .

An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



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