DiscOLOvery #16 : instarunners in Hamburg

Run w/ OLO
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2017

Thinking that Hamburg is just the hometown of one of everyone’s favourite dish, the hamburger, would be a BIG mistake. First, because there are so many stories about the origin of the name hamburger that we will never now.

Second, because Hamburg is so much more! Located far up North in Germany, Hamburg lays like an emerald surrounded by hundreds of waters in the middle of Europe. Most people think that Venice is the city with the most bridges, but actually Hamburg has more!

It is also a lovely city for runners, and today we will discover it through 4 Instarunners living there.


Alexandra is a young and enthusiastic runner, living in Hamburg and member of the Asics Front Runners Team.

She is really passionate about what she does, and she shares details about her runs with her 40k followers, both in english and german, which is great.

She is running her first half-marathon soon, so good luck to her!



Timo is a runner, and a blogger. Member of the Asics Front Runners, he shares really nice pictures of his runs through the city of Hamburg. That definitely makes us want go for a run there!

Timo ran his first Marathon in Hamburg last year in 3:29 , and he is running it this year again to try and beat his PB. Follow is Marathon training until April 23rd!

Learn more at @RUNTIMO


Andrea is also an Asics Front Runner (they are everywhere!), and a great athlete. Her marathon PB? 2:44 , pretty impressive!

But there is no secret: Andrea takes her training seriously, with different type of runs, and the best thing is that she explains it with very easy words.

We are looking forward to see her achieve her next goals!



Judith loves travelling and running, and it seems that she has a particular taste for Trailrunning, and Ultras! If you like nature and trail pictures, you will definitely like her Instagram gallery.

She just ran a 60k ultra last week, and ended up 4th women, which is not surprising, as she’s really fast!

Learn more at @JUDIJUMPER

We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Hamburg!
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An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



Run w/ OLO

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