DiscOLOvery #18 : Instarunners in Scotland

Run w/ OLO
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2017

After sharing some of our betatesters portraits for the last few weeks, we are back with a new discOLOvery, this time with runners from Scotland!

Yeah, we know, Scotland is not a city but a country, but as there is no defined rule for DiscOLOveries, let’s do this!


This DiscOLOvery starts with Brian, a nature lover and an adventure runner, as he calls himself. Brian would certainly be a great guide to explore the hills and moutains of Scotland, and we definitely love the amazing scenery pictures he shares!

He also talks about his adventures in a simple way, never focused on performance but always on feelings and the nature that surrounds him.

Learn more at @BOLDSCOT


Eilish is a professional middle distance runner, who likes to “run around in circles”. At 25 she is a double Olympian (Rio 2016 and London 2012), a world & olympic finalist, and she finished 6th at Commonwealth Games and Europeans… impressive!

Eilish graduated in mathematics, but she decided she prefered words to numbers, and she dedicates her time to run around the world in circles, and write for her blog. Sounds like a great life right?



Bruce is a crazy scottish ultra runner, exactly the kind of people we like. He runs almost everyday, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, but most of the time long distances.

And if you watch some of his small videos, you will definitely be sure Bruce is scottish, with his lovely accent!

Learn more at @RUN_BRUCE_RUN


Last but not least: Sarah, and her blog Lemon and Oats.

Sarah lives in Edimburgh, and her instagram is all about what she loves: running, yoga, and food. That’s exactly what we love at Apolo too! Well.. except for Yoga, maybe.

Her profile is a really great source of inspiration for healthy meals and sport!

Learn more at @LEMONANDOATS

We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Scotland!
Want to be featured in one of our next discOLOvery blogposts ? Drop a DM at
@olo on Instagram or send an email to lisa@apolo.io .

An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



Run w/ OLO

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