DiscOLOvery #19 : Instarunners in Rio

Run w/ OLO
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2017

Second biggest city of Brasil, Rio De Janeiro is blessed with an amazing geography, between coast and moutains. Called “Cidade Maravilhosa” or ‘the marvelous city’, Rio is full of great places to discover, for tourism but also sports!

Let’s discover it through the eyes (and Instagram pics) of some of its runners.


Julia is a runner from Rio who shares almost everyday her sports activities, whether it is running or training. Her pictures are great and will show you some very nice landscapes in Brasil!

Her next challenges? Porto Alegre’s half marathon, and Berlin’s marathon in september!

Learn more at @JULIASETTE.77


Lhyoda comes from Venezuela, but she lives in Rio, where she runs almost daily. She already ran 5 marathons, and is now preparing for the next one!

Learn more at @LHYOBEDIENTE


Tatiana loves running and racing, especially long distances: she ran two 50km ultras, 8 marathons, and no less than 24 half marathons!

Her moto to run far? “Don’t run with your legs, run with your heart.”

Learn more at @TATAOMARTINS


Carol Buffara is one of Rio’s most famous bloggers, and she leads the #projetocarolbuffara , which is all about practising sports and living a healthy life.

If you understand portuguese and that you are looking for inspiration, this account might end up in your Instagram feed!

Learn more at @CAROLBUFFARA

We hope you liked this discOLOvery about Rio de Janeiro!
Want to be featured in one of our next discOLOvery blogposts ? Drop a DM at
@olo on Instagram or send an email to lisa@apolo.io .

An Apolo Blogpost by @lily.running



Run w/ OLO

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