Join the (R)evolution

Patrick W Meehan
DISC Report
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2 min readDec 13, 2016

Welcome to the DISC Report, this is ostensibly about ‘progress.’ My intention here is to use this space to create some discussion around the concept of progress, to offer some practical tools and insights as I explore a few hypothesis of ‘how might we shape the future?.’ The name is short for design (D), innovation (i), creativity (c) & strategy (s). It is meant to be an explorative resource on the subject of progress; one about the proliferation of change and the elements, particles and forces that create, shape and model it. For the purposes of naming it, I have used the four aforementioned — as I believe they are the four core elements that will provide us with the doorways down the rabbit hole to help give us some foresight and understanding to ‘How we can change for the better’ (Kaizen.)

Affected by this state of progress, human nature is at a crossroads. — Natasha vita-more

My theory is that by exploring the concept of ‘progress’ more universally, hopefully, that can help us to teach ‘how we can pitch in’, what we can enable creatively, how we should design and why we should innovate. What we’re talking about here is learning to harness the elements of progress, because there is an imperative and importance in understanding ‘progress’ if we are to survive and live better in the future. To do all that we need to create some better standards; bring everyone up to speed, teach and action by way of example not place our value in titles and certifications. That’s why the blended thinking of these areas being taught correctly have the power to bring us together and help move us forward. Hopefully, this will be one small step in the right direction.



Patrick W Meehan
DISC Report

Neo-Generalist. Welcome to the inner machinations of my mind and ruminating thoughts.