How to make a Discord Moderation bot in Java

Discord Bots
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2018

Creating a simple moderation bot

This tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge on JDA. If you don’t know how to setup a project, please read this tutorial

Step 1

Create a new project and add JDA as a dependency (again, if you don’t know how refer to the tutorial above)

In this tutorial, we’ll be using JDA-Utilities to handle our commands, so be sure to add it as a depencency as well. Check the latest version here.

Our build.gradle now looks like this:

plugins {
id'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '2.0.1'
group 'com.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
mainClassName = 'com.example.jda.Bot'version '1.0'sourceCompatibility = 1.8repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.5.0_331'
compile 'com.jagrosh:jda-utilities:2.0'
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'

Step 2

Now, we’ll use JDA-Utilities’ CommandClient to handle our command processing.

This is what a basic command looks like:

public class ModBot {
public static void main(String[] args) throws LoginException {
CommandClientBuilder commandClientBuilder = new CommandClientBuilder();
//our prefix is !!
//"Type !!help"
commandClientBuilder.addCommand(new HelloWorldCommand()); new JDABuilder(AccountType.BOT)
public static class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
public HelloWorldCommand() { = "helloworld";
this.aliases = new String[]{"hw"}; = "says hello";
protected void execute(CommandEvent commandEvent) {
commandEvent.reply("Hello world!");


All mod actions in JDA (such as banning, kicking, adding or removing roles, server muting, server deafening, etc) are done through the GuildController class.

To get the GuildController for a Guild, call it’s getController() method.


All JDA methods that interact with discord’s REST API return an instance of the RestAction class.

A RestAction represents a request that will be done. However, the request will be executed only when you call queue(), complete(), or submit() on the RestAction object. If you don't call one of those methods, the action will never be executed and your bot will not work.

Whenever possible, try using the queue() method and it's overloads, as they do not block) the current thread), so other operations aren't slowed down.


For now, let’s make a kick command. It’ll be executed as !!kick @Person, where Person is who you want to kick. For this command, we'll use the Message#getMentionedMembers() and GuildController#kick methods.

This is what our kick command looks like:

protected void execute(CommandEvent commandEvent) {
Guild guild = commandEvent.getGuild();
//if we're not in a guild we can't kick anyone
if(guild == null) {
commandEvent.reply("You must run this command in a server");
Member author = commandEvent.getMessage().getMember(); //the author can't kick people
if(!author.hasPermission(Permission.KICK_MEMBERS)) {
commandEvent.reply("You don't have permission to kick people!");
List<Member> mentionedMembers = commandEvent.getMessage().getMentionedMembers(); if(mentionedMembers.isEmpty()) {
commandEvent.reply("You must mention who you want to be kicked");
commandEvent.reply("Successfully kicked " + mentionedMembers.get(0).getUser().getName());
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Unable to kick " + mentionedMembers.get(0).getUser().getName() + ": " + error);

You might be wondering what the x->{} syntax is. If you don't know, they're lambda expressions, which are similar to javascript's closures or python's lambdas.


The way to ban is almost equal to the way you kick, but there’s one additional argument you must give to the GuildController#ban() method, which is how far the banned person's messages will be deleted.

The implementation of this command is left as an exercise for you.


A softban is basically a ban and unban, to kick and delete an user’s messages. Let’s implement one now by modifying the ban command:

guild.getController().ban(member, 7 /* delete all messages from the member in the last week */).queue(done->{
commandEvent.reply("Softbanned " + member.getUser().getName() + "#" + member.getUser().getDiscriminator());
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Error unbanning: " + error);
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Error banning: " + error);


To mute, we’ll need a Mute role. For now, we’ll just give the person the first role named Muted we find:

Guild guild = ...
GuildController controller = guild.getController();
List<Member> mentionedMembers = commandEvent.getMessage().getMentionedMembers();if(mentionedMembers.isEmpty()) {
commandEvent.reply("You must mention who you want to be kicked");
Member toMute = mentionedMembers.get(0);Role muteRole = guild.getRoles().stream().filter(r->r.getName().equals("Muted")).findFirst().orElse(null);if(muteRole == null) {
commandEvent.reply("No role named 'Muted' found");
controller.addSingleRoleToMember(toMute, muteRole).queue(success->{
commandEvent.reply("Successfully muted " + toMute.getUser().getName());
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Unable to mute " + toMute.getUser().getName() + ": " + error);

This example uses the java stream and optional APIs

Again, the actual command implementation is left as an exercise for the reader.


We’ll mute someone for 1 hour, then unmute. Let’s change our mute command:

controller.addSingleRoleToMember(toMute, muteRole).queue(success->{
commandEvent.reply("Successfully muted " + toMute.getUser().getName());
controller.removeSingleRoleFromMember(toMute, muteRole).queueAfter(1, TimeUnit.HOURS, success2->{
commandEvent.reply("Successfully unmuted " + toMute.getUser().getName());
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Unable to unmute " + toMute.getUser().getName() + ": " + error);
}, error->{
commandEvent.reply("Unable to mute " + toMute.getUser().getName() + ": " + error);

This uses the RestAction#queueAfter method, which means our pending unmutes will be lost when the bot is restarted. To keep track of them even across restarts, we'd need to save them in a database (do not save data in json files, that always backfires), but that's out of the scope of this tutorial.

Curse Word Filter

To create our filter, we’ll need to add a new listener to our JDA object. Let’s create a new class and extend ListenerAdapter:

public class CurseWorldFilter extends ListenerAdapter {}

Now, let’s override the onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent) method:

public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {

Let’s also add a curse word list:

public class CurseWorldFilter extends ListenerAdapter {
private static final List<String> CURSE_WORDS = Arrays.asList(
"insert", "curse", "words", "here", "but", "only", "in", "lower", "case", "please"
public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {

Now, let’s see if there’s a curse word and delete the message if it has one:

public class CurseWorldFilter extends ListenerAdapter {
private static final List<String> CURSE_WORDS = Arrays.asList(
"insert", "curse", "words", "here", "but", "only", "in", "lower", "case", "please"
public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {
//get the raw content (what the user typed) and convert to lower case
//this is why we have to put curse words as lower case in the list above
String message = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().toLowerCase();
//for each curse word in the curse words list
for(String curseWord : CURSE_WORDS) {
//check if the message contains it
if(message.contains(curseWord)) {
//the message contains a curse word
//let's see if we can delete it
//if we don't have permission to delete messages we'll just warn and return
if(!event.getGuild().getSelfMember().hasPermission(event.getChannel(), Permission.MESSAGE_MANAGE)) {
System.out.println("No permission to delete messages in #" + event.getChannel().getName());
//try deleting it
//if it was deleted, warn the user
event.getChannel().sendMessage(event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + ", you cannot say that!").queue();
}, error->{
//if we got an error deleting it print it
System.out.println("Error deleting message with curse word");

If we run our bot now, we’ll notice it completely ignores curse words. That’s because we didn’t register the listener. Now let’s go back to our main class and change .addEventListener( to .addEventListener(, new CurseWorldFilter()) so our listener is registered.

Run the bot again and you’ll notice it’s now detecting curse words and deleting them.

