2015.11.06 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2015

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • Localization for French, German, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Traditional Chinese is here! To change your language visit User Settings.
  • Your Feedback is really important to us. But rather than argue about what to build or not, we’re just letting you vote! Go express your opinion on our feedback page.
  • The Unread Indicator has been completely revamped. It used to do all sorts of strange things. Now it doesn’t.
  • Hide Muted Channels when there are more than 3 muted channels in a server.
  • 20x Speed Boost for loading times of large servers. We also finally turned on compression so your startup speed is zippy zip zoom.
  • Reduced CPU usage dramatically for computing changes to member lists. This means your CPU should be idle most of the time.
  • Selected Server indicator is more obvious now. Yup.
  • Automatic Voice Activity has been a hit and is now default for new users. Your friends should have less trouble getting up and going now!
  • Android has gotten a lot of love this week with settings for disabling inline previews, rendering code blocks, and best of all a major reduction in startup time!
  • Smarter websockets use less data and CPU on desktop and iOS versions
  • Autocomplete is now fixed for emoji with funky symbols like :+1:
  • Roles with with an empty name no longer hide in the Roles list.
  • Fixed an awesome bug where “Max Uses” on instant invite was always 1.
  • Android app now requests permissions using the new Marshmallow request dialogs
  • Granular server notifications! Optional push notifications for all messages!
  • Lots of iOS improvements (Dark Mode, iOS 9.1 Speaker Fix, New Unread Indicator, Crash Fixes, and More!)
  • In-game overlay is almost here. We’re still playing Rocket League a lot to make sure it works.
  • Friends List. Because sometimes you don’t want that one person to hang out with all your friends.
  • Clear history in channels. For those times when you just want to pretend it all never happened.
  • Suggest your own idea or vote on other ideas at feedback.discordapp.com

