2016.2.18 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2016

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • New Bitrate settings are here per channel! Sound like a tin can (8kbps) a telephone (64kbps) or Professor X (96kbps). FYI Discord is 64kbps by default. Desktop and Chrome clients only! Everyone must be on the latest version of too.
  • Drag ‘n Drop has been overhauled with a fancy new confirmation modal. No more accidentally dropping your… umm… homework into a Discord chat by accident.
  • Create Server now auto selects the closest voice region to your mouth. It used to be random because we’re lazy.
  • The iPad App is live with support for landscape, slide over, and split view. Say goodbye to your home button.
  • Use Twitch partner emoji from your iPhone or iPad. No kappa yet though. We’re still working on that.
  • Android Tablets now have a super legit UI. It’s like our iPad UI but powered by green robots.
  • Android can now upload your finest photographs from your phone’s image gallery using the latest in high technology. It’s developed instantly and shared with your friends! Wow!
  • Android Channel Settings can now be changed by users with Manage Channel permissions instead of running to your computer like a maniac.
  • Notification Settings can be customized from your Android device. ‘Bout time.
  • Fixed /me breaking with certain sentences (thanks /u/Always_Helpful).
  • That really annoying microphone mute banner does not show up if we have ever detected voice in this session.
  • Also the microphone mute banner can now be permanently disabled. Thank the heavens.
  • The chat linkifier used to reveal your precious secrets by linkifying private text channels. Now it doesn’t.
  • Clicking Save when editing a message now saves the message instead of obnoxiously losing your edits.
  • Long channel names no longer cause the invite and setting icons to get flustered.
  • Playing embedded videos no longer screws up your scroll position.
  • Sub-pixel discoloration around server icons has been sub-scrubbed.
  • Channel name, Invite, and Settings buttons on muted channels are no longer impossible to see on hover.
  • The file upload in-progress indicator got a make over.
  • If you try to upload a file that’s too large Discord will let you know it’s unhappy instead of just ignoring you.
  • Copy and pasting into upload disabled channels no longer pretends to upload something.
  • Chrome now defaults to 64kbps for voice channels just like the Discord Desktop app.
  • Many app images have been compressed resulting in about ~10% file size reduction for image assets.
  • Fixes a bug where clicking on a ridiculously large image would cause the desktop app to restart on Windows.
  • Improves the way images are loaded when clicking on them by showing a loading indicator instead of a partially loaded image while it’s being loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where servers would sometimes get stuck waiting around for endpoints.

On iOS Too

  • Message rendering has been disciplined and will be less wonky.
  • Fix action sheet behind keyboard bug.
  • Fix crash of an extra empty line.
  • Fix crash of deleting server when the user is in AFK channel.
  • Fix crash of joining server.
  • Disable the text input bar if the channel is read-only.
  • Drawer optimization.

And Android Got Better

  • Added show password icon in authentication fields.
  • Color theme is now properly sync’d across all your clients.
  • Fixed static when speaking on certain devices.
  • Fixed retry button on failed messages not working.
  • Fixed bugs with relative time.
  • Fixed text share intents (eg: YouTube links) not working.
  • Fixed accounts incorrectly showing as unverified occasionally.
  • Fixed a bug where empty chats showed previously selected channel messages.
  • Fixed notifications not always being displayed.
  • Fixed private messaged users incorrectly displayed as online.
  • Fixed game playing status not showing up.
  • Fixed missing broadcast sticky permission for devices that require it.
  • We’ve redone the in-game overlay tech and it’s available in the Discord PTB. Grab it from the download page!
  • Friends List development is underway and we’ve already started releasing pieces incrementally.
  • We’ve finally hired some more developers, so the Linux build is under active development.
  • Keep the great ideas coming at http://feedback.discordapp.com

