2016.4.29 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2016

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • PAX East was amaze Just wanted to say that it was really awesome to meet so many of you at our lounge. The love and appreciation for what we’ve built was remarkable ❤ We’ll be at DreamHack in one week! Hope to see you then.
  • We Are Still Hiring! Write the codez, help the people, design the things. Check our open positions and apply. kthx
  • Server Nicknames have been one of the top requested features since we launched Discord. So, we built it. /nick to make Clyde do your bidding. P.S. Make sure you enable the permission in your server!
  • All the colors are now available through a fancy schmancy color picker for server roles. :heart: :yellowheart: :greenheart: :blueheart: :purpleheart: :heartpulse: :revolving_hearts: :rocket:
  • @role mentions for when you need to get both mom AND dad’s attention at the same time.
  • WUMBOJI have arrived. We’ve developed Wumboji alongside the brightest researchers at UCLK’s Wumbology department. Try them out by sending a whole message with just one (or up to twenty seven) emoji.
  • Big Twitch Emoticons As part of Operation Wumboji, you’ll get nice hi-rez Twitch emoticons when used by themselves in a message. PSA: get emoticons by subbing to your fav Twitch streamer and then joining their Discord.
  • Right Click on anything to get a super duper upgraded magical context menu. It slices. It dices. It empowers your mices.
  • Easily @Mention someone by right clicking their name in chat. No more figuring out how to type @(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧・゚✧SPOO.PY✧・゚✧ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ
  • Mark Server As Read by right clicking on the server icon in your list. Great for silencing overactive gaggles of geese…
  • Mark Channel As Read with… you guessed it… right click!
  • Quickly Private Message someone by left clicking on their name in the channel member list (to the right of the channel).
  • Server Member List got an upgrade so you can easily filter out people by their roles.
  • The permissions editor no longer allows you to lock yourself out from editing permissions #DrunkProof
  • We fixed the screwy chat overflow on Firefox, the Linux Desktop Client, and Chrome 49+.
  • Mentioning @everyone or @here when someone sharing the same prefix is in the channel now works properly. (You can now @everyone when @eve is in the channel!)
  • Phase 2 of the friends list (1 on 1 and group calls/chat) is on deck.
  • @mention offline users on iOS. Sometimes simple things can be complicated to build!
  • Sometimes you want to call out a message for everyone to see in a channel. Get your thumbtacks ready, because message Pinning is coming!
  • Search your message history for keywords or to find previously uploaded files like Sherlock riding a water buffallo.
  • Also we’re really busy playing Whispers of the Old Gods.
  • And Hyper Light Drifter.
  • Most of the new features will be added to our API docs shortly. Feel free to use them now if you’re a smarty pants.
  • Tell us what you want to see at http://feedback.discordapp.com

