2016.7.11 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2016

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • Recent Mentions list lets you quickly see all of the mentions you’ve received. Great for keeping up with friends who aren’t playing Overwatch while you’re grinding 39 to 40 to 39 to 40 for hours and yelling at your screen. As requested by you guys!
  • Mentions Filters let you focus on what you missed in one server. You can even exclude @everyone and @role mentions if you’re a mod and don’t care anymore.
  • Pinned Messages are cool but kinda secret. In the interest of not keeping secrets, a red badge now shows up when the pins for a channel change. This is for all those OCD badge clickers like me.
  • Verification Levels are now enforced for starting a direct message conversation. It’s bacon! Bacon bacon bacon.
  • Attenuate your system volume when you speak, not just when others speak. No more YELLING OVER THE SOUND OF Winston punching you in the face.
  • New module update system let’s us update parts of the app at a time instead of doing it all at once.
  • Backend performance improvements for large communities.
  • New Discord partner page with bubbles because we never got tired chasing floaty soap around through the air.
  • Streamer mode hides short invites. Gotta stay safe!
  • No longer manually add a role tied to a Twitch integration via context menu. That was never supposed to be there.
  • Voice channels now show the Add button when the last channel is deleted to further the interest of not keeping secrets.
  • Quality of Service option for your packets in Advanced Voice Settings.
  • Group and direct calls are really really really really close. So close, you could catch them without even walking down the street.
  • OBS and XSplit plugins are almost here for streamers to show off Discord chat, voice channels, and server status.
  • We’ve been searching for search for a while and are almost done searching. We’ll find that Snorlax soon enough.
  • Linux and audit logs are still on the way. Ready when it’s ready :tm:
  • We have lots more in development as always. Let us know what you want at feedback.discordapp.com

