2016.7.28 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2016

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • BRRING BRRRRRING. Hello. Who’s there? Direct Calls, that’s who! Click the phone shaped thing to ring ring anyone on your Friends List.
  • Mobile Calling works whether your friend is offline or not via the power of fancy push notifications. There’s even a soft, buttery ring tone for it. Just make sure to grab the Discord mobile app!
  • Group DMs let you have a simple private conversation with up to ten people on your Friends List. Great for chillin’ in a more intimate setting. Turn on that Barry Manilow and chill.
  • Group DM Calls mean you can call more than one person or ring anyone individually (right click it). You can even add a friend to an existing one-on-one call too. :scream:
  • Easily Re-Join Calls that are already in session by simply clicking the giant JOIN CALL button.
  • Stream Overlay for OBS and XSplit lets you easily show off your Discord chat, voice channels, and server status on your stream. Check it out
  • Disable Hardware Acceleration option to slam your CPU for Discord’s pretty pixels instead of your “I can’t play Overwatch in 4k” GPU. Find it in the advanced video settings.
  • Quickly Accept Invite Links that you click in a browser while the Discord desktop app is running. You’ll get teleported to the desktop app and prompted to join the server in one fell swooooop.
  • Large Server Rendering has been sped up again by 550% /flex. We want to be the very best like no one ever was. To speed up lists is our test. To render them is our cause.
  • Emoji Tooltips show up if you hover over one for a few seconds. Try it right here. Go on. Try it. :rocket: :red_car: :dash:
  • Legacy Audio option has been added for Windows. Turn it on in the advanced voice settings tab if your speakers regularly sound like a peaceful star filled night in the middle of nowhere (a.k.a. silent)
  • Server Performance has been improved by 200%. Would you believe that you all send 800 messages per second? That’s like an entire I Am Setsuna script every minute.
  • Android Channel Topics are fully juiced :watermelon: :grapes: :strawberry: (Support for scrolling, mentions, markdown, emojis, and channel-names)
  • Android Server Settings finally lets you change your nickname or server privacy settings. I’m trying very hard not to make another Pokemon joke.
  • iOS Got Love too, but nothing unique or special this time around. Just wanted to call it out because I thought iOS might have felt lonely.
  • Our updater broke for a bunch of people last time. Sorry about that! Should be in better shape now.
  • People are no longer able to DM Clyde. He is shy and everybody was all like A/S/L? Not cool.
  • There was a Javascript error which popped up randomly. We spoke with the RNG gods and they have confirmed the popup is less likely to show up.
  • Download Apps buttons is more clearly visible for users in the browser and removed from the UI for desktop users.
  • In-game Overlay was mega-borked on Windows 7. It is now less mega-borked.
  • Small tweak — pressing CTRL+Enter inserts a new line, like Shift+Enter. Why not?
  • [Android] Music bots sometimes would not play back properly and now they do.
  • [Android] Twitch subscriber emotes now render correctly with or without :colons:
  • [Android] Older phones sometimes showed a black square instead of your photo of Zubat flying on your friends face.
  • Get ready for lots of refinement of existing features as we take a breather and spit polish things.
  • Mobile server settings have been ‘coming soon’ since the dawn of time. We are actually building them. ERMAHGERD.
  • I heard you guys like that Orcs & Humans game, so get ready for a little something special.
  • We’re stil searching for search. In fact, we have found the Snorlax but have yet to strike up a conversation.
  • Linux and audit logs got side tracked on their way to the build machine, but are still still coming soon.
  • Tell us what you want, what you really really want: feedback.discordapp.com.
  • Discord needs more creative horsepower! If you’re a Product Designer who likes games and Discord, check out our job page here.

