5.10.2017 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2017

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

The Dawn of Video Has Come

We now have video chat and screen share so you can share your face or screen pixels with another person’s eye pixels.

  • Video Chat with up to 10 people in a group DM
  • Share your entire screen or any window instead of your face.
  • Picture in picture so you can vidya while browsing other servers and DMs.
  • Stop asking for this feature because we launched it :)))))))))))))

We also fixed some stuff


  • Removed the weirdness where links that end in parentheses would get clipped. Parentheses are text characters too.
  • Sometimes typing discord.gg in weird ways would create an invite embed. This weirdness has also been removed.
  • The emoji picker button had some graphical issues that we polished. Nothing a little emoji grease can’t fix.
  • Pinning two messages in a row (the legendary double pin) no longer marks your pins as unread.
  • Due to permission wonkiness, certain voice channels didn’t properly show locks on restricted channels. We called Lobsnok, the Locksmith of the North, to fix it right up.
  • Right clicking checkboxes no longer brings up the context menu because it’s literally a binary option and this was madness.
  • When editing a message that mentions a user with a unicode emoji in their name, it no longer replaces the emoji with :textlikethis: \:poop\: \:100\:
  • We fixed this thing where you couldn’t mute yourself in the overlay. Now you can mute yourself in the overlay.
  • Fixed some jankiness when someone deleted a message in a channel that was previously marked as unread.
  • Furthermore, any empty channel (literally no message or they were all deleted) will be considered read because there is nothing to read. It’s like telepathy but way less useful.

These are 4 your fone :^)

  • It’s October, so you know what that means! New create and join server UI, obviously.
  • Invite links no longer jump through web pages before bringing you inside the app. Less jank, more thank
  • The apparently newsworthy iOS 11 launch crash is now fixed.
  • Android now has developer mode because we want to make bot devs happy.
  • We’ve enabled HVM, or “horizontal viewing mode” for videos and images.
  • Wait. It’s called ‘Landscape?’ :deepthink:

The Rest of the Best

  • Fixed a bug where the previous change log had the phrase level up and next level in them. You should never see this ludicrous language again.
  • Want to support Discord’s development? Get Discord Nitro and unlock bonus features for your account.

