6.21.2018 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

The Time Is Future

  • Introducing the Games tab! See what’s going on in your Discord universe — games being played, news on games you play, Spotify listening parties, and more. Read our help article to get the full scoop.
  • Invite links for Group DMs now exist because they should.
  • You can also make empty Group DMs and start tossin out invites like you’re a promotor to a an indie concert that no one really wants to go to but will because what else are they gonna do on a Tuesday night out in the BIG CIIIITTYYYY.
  • @everyone messages will now warn you and ask if you really want to send that message. I believe this is a famous psychological experiment where people who reserved @everyone for truly important reasons had greater success later in life.
  • Colorblind mode begins! User statuses are no longer a secret for humans with different configurations. Turn this feature on in User Settings -> Appearance. You asked for this!
  • When set to Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, Discord’s font will look more consistent and better like my three pointer. Jake didn’t know what a three pointer was so here’s a wikipedia link for Jake.
  • Changing input or output device now makes a BEEP bEEP beep.
  • B1nzy did not have anything to add. Smh.

The Future Is Now

