7.21.17 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2017

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

  • THE BOTS CAN REASON. By which I mean bots can attach a reason to their moderation actions which will show up in the Audit Logs server settings tab.
  • The chat bar is updated! We have plans for it, but in the meantime enjoy the facelift.
  • We’ve upjuiced our media proxy. That means faster image loading, better GIF resizing for avatars, and big GIFs now get resized and displayed faster. Fasterfasterfasterfaster.
  • The group call interface has been massaged a bit in preparation for video chat and screen sharing which I promise we are cranking on please don’t hurt me.
  • Almost all the modals are now themed properly (I.E. will be dark in dark theme). It’s almost like we shoulda done this from the beginning!
  • The channel list has been redesigned in preparation for upcoming channel categories which I promise we are cranking on please don’t hurt me again.
  • Instant invites now default to 24 hours from 30 minutes so less people run into dead ends and more people get to hang with their fun friends.
  • Twitch affiliates can use our Twitch integration to sync their subs and emotes. Discord perks for all!
  • Large servers, like the /r/Overwatch server, have been optimized heavily and should not go down anymore unlike my horrible Genji play.
  • NSFW channels no longer require the #nsfw prefix. Just flip the switch in the channel settings.
  • A ton of internal systems have been added to combat spam and raiding. THEY ATTAC. WE PROTEC.
  • Added the double flip Verification Level. Maximize your flippage, protectify your server
    ┻━┻ ミヽ(ಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  • Piggybacking on that, phone bans are now in for those times when even Mjolnir doesn’t cut it.
  • Saved images now use ye given name instead of a garbled alien filename.
  • The invite icon is now a person with a plus. Apparently, that makes more sense.
  • Connected accounts and integrations now clearly show when they’re borked so you know when you need to reconnect them.
  • Want to support Discord’s development? Get Discord Nitro and unlock bonus features for your account.
  • Want to literally build Discord? We’re hiring!

