Ain’t Nothin’ but a LAN PAAAARTY!

Discord Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2015

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We Love the LAN!

This post makes me particularly happy to write because I am a LAN people, uh person. So, I’m writing this post to help you maximize your LAN (party) setup and make sure you enjoy Discord even more.

Wait…more?? Can it be?

Yes, it is possible.

Set-up now for more fun later

We spoke to our LAN pro users and they all had one consistent tip: Set up in advance! For example you can smack talk early and brag after the event. Brilliant! Basically the more setup you do beforehand, the easier it is for everyone involved.

So set-up that server, choose your channels, and get the word out asap. Since Discord is in the cloud/sky/atmosphere you can have everyone register and join well in advance. That way they’ll all know their way around before the gaming even starts.

This is going to be especially helpful for BYOC events because Discord will be installed and running on everyone’s system before the event kicks off. And, the more time spent gaming, the better.

You’ll also want to set up permissions/roles in advance. The larger the LAN the more unruly it can get. And who wants NSFW pics and text spam showing up in chat the whole time? Having a few mods in the server is probably a good idea as well. Our video on permissions can be found here and text version here.

Push-to-Talk = Best For Lan Tournaments

Discord is all about the player and making sure you have the BEST experience possible. So let’s talk best practices for voice setup. We recommend the use of push-to-talk for LAN tournaments (just head into your “User Setting”, then “Voice”, and choose Push To Talk as your input mode). It keeps latency low and ensures that everyone has the best talk experience regardless of event size.

Using Discord locally is exactly like using it with your friends across the globe. So, at it’s core, it should feel just like home (except you won’t have your teddy bear to snuggle after getting your butt handed to you in League). For more information about push-to-talk settings, check out an article in our Help Center here.

So TL;dr right? Let Me Break It Down For you

That was a whole lot of info so let me make it simple. I am happy to present The Big Discord Six! Six tips and tricks (in one easy to download and print image) for getting the best out of Discord at your super LAN tournament

Here’s the really good looking PDF version!

We Want YOU (to share)

So there you have it. All you need to get Lan-tastic!

But you aren’t off the hook yet friends. Now that you are using Discord for your LAN tournament, we we want to hear about it! Send event pics and love by tweeting to @discordapp.

Need help for an upcoming LAN tournament or possibly even swag? Email us at with any help requests/info/thoughts/feedback/presents/candy (ok, you don’t have to send presents).

