9.21.2017 — Change Log

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2017

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

As Bob Dylan wrote, the times, they are a-changin

Channel Categories are live! You can now organize your server to the next level. Check out these next level features of Channel Categories:

  • Permissions can be set on a per-category basis. Channels in that category inherit those permissions.
  • Channel permissions can be synced or not-synced to a category — allowing you to level up your permissions to the next level within a category itself.
  • You can collapse a category to hide channels. Unread messages will bring the channel up. It’s cool, test it out to see what I mean.
  • Don’t care about all that anime discussion? Good news — you can mute entire categories!
  • In an IDGAF mood? Mute AND collapse a category to hide it.

New next level tooltip design that’s black and bigger instead of blurple and smaller. Stop smirking.

Video chat is still rolling out (at 40% of players currently), but we’ve leveled up our Video Chat/Screen Sharing layout to a grid view. It’s better this way.

New sound that plays when you’re moved between channels. Thanks for suggesting this level up on our feedback site, friends (over 6000 votes)!

New shiny debug panel for diagnosing problems with voice and video chat. Devs everywhere rejoice by clicking their mechanical keyboards.

Improved performance when looking at a server with huge member lists. We’ve leveled up to the next level!

This is the part where we fix things

Fixed a bug where people would sometimes sound robotic right as they stop speaking. Pushing back the singularity, one bug fix at a time.

Fixed bug where bitrate was not always properly set when switching voice channels. I don’t know what this means. It’s a good thing.

Fixed big bug where your text chat location wouldn’t maintain focus when refocusing the app.

For video calls, we now do a better job of estimating bandwidth for people on wooden internet connections.

Fixed a bug where someone would randomly not hear another person in a group chat. This is a buff.

Starting Discord without a microphone attached and then attaching one will actually work now, actually.

This is the part where we self promote

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