Discord Swag Shop is LIVE!

Discord Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2015

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

Mmm You Lookin’ GOOOOOD

Everyday we get people asking for some Discord swag to rep and let me tell you — it’s freaking awesome. Like holy cow, you guys make us feel so warm and fuzzy inside. And before I forget, thank you so much if you participated and voted on the shirts you’d like to see. Conclusion? All the things!

If you’ve been following us for some time, many of these characters and designs will be familiar to you. For example, Discord Knight originated from our Twitch Sub Integration video and Nelly, the Robo Hamster, came from our post announcing the same feature.

Furthermore, Discord swag will embrace your head and torso with maximum sexiness. You will walk the streets with unparalleled aplomb. Gamers of all ages will be honored to be in your presence. Your swagger will be unprecedented.

Our proprietary “Swag Master 9000” which we test all of our shirts on to make sure they can withstand even the swaggiest of swag.

If you want to dig right into the shop, click here to check it out. Otherwise, continue on, brave warrior, as we indulge in an overview of what the shop has in store for you and some backstory for some of the pieces.

Torso Town

Looking to intimidate your foes and conquer your enemies? Why not wear the formidable Discord Knight.

Or, if you’re trying to defeat that super hard boss in your life, try the Discord Fusion shirt.

Backstory: This shirt is based off of a GIF we made for the Twitch Integration feature. We never had a chance to use it… so here it is!

Too intimidating? Rather do something cute and, yet, brilliant? Well the Discord Robo Hamster shirt is for you.

Isn’t Nelly adorable.

If you’re looking for something with more variety and silliness mixed with a bit of noir and pirates, we’ve got the Discord Six shirt.

Backstory: Discord Six was initially designed for our six-step guide on how to set up Discord for lan parties.

Finally, for those out there who like to keep it straight and classic like an iced tea on a sunny day, a beer and a barbecue, a fedora and a ferret on your shoulder, like a Sunday Swing, grab yourself the regular ol’ Classic Discord shirt.

Hoodie Hollow

Whether you like to be subtle, bold, or classic we’ve got three cold protective hoodies to warm you up.

Fabulous pose not included.

Noggin Nook

Your head is the most important organ on your body (trust me, I’m a whale biologist). Adorn your crown with some Discord digs.

Check out the store here.

