Discord’s First Birthday Recap

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2016

Our blog has moved to our main website! Check us out on discord.com/blog to stay in the loop about future posts.

Last Friday we celebrated Discord’s first birthday! Discord launched on May 13th of last year! Math indicates we are 366 days old (LEAP YEAR HYPE).

To celebrate, we hosted a four hour stream where we answered questions and gave away Discord shirts.


Our retro game room was adapted into a makeshift stream den for the evening.

Stream Highlights


  • Blowing out the candle
  • Showing off the Discord Birthday Shirt
  • Our thoughts on BetterDiscord
  • The Special Announcement
  • Defeating Mario Maker with three hands
  • Zencha’s keys to success 🔑 🙏🏻

Full-length Stream

If you’re interested in what makes the Discord squad tick and our thoughts behind a variety of issues, technical and non, check out the whole VOD below.

Edit: Sorry guys! Video’s isn’t available anymore :(

Twitter Love

Throughout the day, we had tons of people celebrating our birthday with us on Twitter as well.

It’s been a fantastic and mindblowing year and we’re freakin’ stoked to see where we are in another 365 days.

Thank you all for letting us be the way you communicate while playing games ❤

