We’ve Moved! Visit Our New Blog Home at discord.com/blog

Discord Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2021

Our new blog is over at discord.com/blog! We also have an RSS feed you can use to follow along with your preferred reader of choice.

Over the last year and a half, we’ve given our little blog some much-needed love and attention. We’ve created six distinct categories for all of our posts, expanded the types of posts we make available to include articles such as Community Spotlights and Educational Resources, and opened up a new home for our Policy and Trust & Safety teams on the Discord blog to share their own stories.

We’ve got some exciting plans for the future of the Discord Blog. However, some of the ideas we have in mind aren’t quite possible on this current platform, Medium.

So, we’ve rebuilt our blog from scratch and moved it over to our main website on discord.com. It’s got a brand new look that matches with the Discord style, and with the freedom and flexibility provided by building it ourselves, we’ll be able to do so much more as time goes on.

You’ll even start seeing new faces pop up on the Discord blog, with new authors receiving their due credit — one of our newer posts, Ten Tips to Help Your Collge Club Succeed on Discord, is a great example of this.

To help lay the foundation for the future, we’ve moved the majority of this Medium blog’s articles over to our new home at discord.com/blog, including some posts that date back all the way to 2015, when we were a small 10-person team in a tiny office in Burlingame, California. Take a look around and see how your old favorites look like with a fresh coat of paint!

And don’t worry about your favorite posts that you might have bookmarked — all of the existing posts on our Medium blog will remain available for the foreseeable future, so any links you may have shared won’t break.

We can’t wait to show you what the future brings for the Discord Blog. We hope you’ll join us at our new home at discord.com/blog.

