Writing an engaging Discord server description

Discord Street
Published in
6 min readJul 17, 2018

When advertising your server, it is vital that you have a short, to-the-point description that accompanies your server invite. Whether you post this advert on server listing sites such as https://discord.st, or handing them over to your partner servers, writing your ‘pitch’ is what will ultimately decide whether or not your advertisement will be effective or not.

The Beginning

We will start with a server advert for one of my partnered servers, Creative Thoughts.

Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community. https://discord.gg/fHKgFSF

This advert is a fantastic starting point to build upon, as it shows that the owner of the server knows what his niche & topic is. This is essential to any sort of advertisement. Period. If the owner of the guild does not understand the purpose of his own community, neither will the members and the entire guild will be doomed to fail from the very beginning.

Call To Action

A call to action(CTA) is defined as:

call to action

a piece of content intended to induce a viewer, reader, or listener to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive (e.g. buy now or click here ).

CTAs are often used in advertising as a ‘hook’ of sorts to grasp the users attention using instructions that direct the user to a goal. Using these in your advert is crucial when trying to accumulate new members to your Discord server.

A good way to implement this into the example advertisement:

Seeking a place to share your thoughts & creations? Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

Join Now!


Using a rhetorical question at the start will help your to-be-members decide if your server is right for them, it’ll cause readers to think for themselves. The advert also ends with a ‘Join Now!’ CTA, encouraging readers to make the leap and join.

Invite URL

Right now the advert bolsters a stock-standard invite code based invite, as unfortunately Creative Thoughts is not a Discord Partner and is not applicable for a discord.gg vanity url. There are a few ways to get around this and immediately improve the visual aesthetics of the advertisement.

Discord Server Listing/Vanity URL Sites

Using a Discord server listing site such as https://discord.st has many benefits apart from receiving a custom vanity URL. It also allows your Discord server to be seen my thousands of possible members everyday, increasing your monthly member-intake.

Seeking a place to share your thoughts & creations? Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

Join Now!


Discord Street also posts a fantastic little embed when your server URL is posted.

Custom Domain Based Solution

Another solution for this issue is to purchase a domain name and redirect to your permanent invite link. Creative Thoughts has its own domain which points towards its invite url, but it also takes advantage of <meta> tags in its HTML to create a banner when the link is post.

Seeking a place to share your thoughts & creations? Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

Join Now!


Just like Discord Street embeds, but bigger and customisable. If you’ve got the knowledge.

If you’d like to know how to do things like this, please follow me and the Discord Street publication here on Medium for an article detailing this.


As featured above, Creative Thoughts has a banner embedded into their <meta> tags, so that when their URL is posted into Discord, it is shown along with the online members and a short description.

You can visit places like Fiverr to get artwork done for cheap or make your own. Make it colourful, exciting, and eye-catching. Add your vanity link to the image so the viewers have an easy in to your server. Simply attach the image to your advertisement when it comes time to post it in Partner Discords or advertisement Discords along with your advert.

Features List

An important part of your ad is definitely the feature list, as it will take up a solid 50–80% of your ads ‘real estate’, on a readers screen. Ultimately, making sure your server has unique and interesting features will draw in curious members. Here you can list out regular events the server hosts, giveaways, custom bots, among dozens of other things. It’s recommended to keep the list at a maximum of 8–10 items, 6 is usually enough to get the point across, and to have each point a max of 1–2 short sentences. Remember, Discord users have very short attention spans, especially if it’s an ad.

Seeking a place to share your thoughts & creations? Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

🤖 Custom-coded bots!

🎉 Regular events & giveaways!

😆 Global Emotes!

Join Now!


Using related emojis in front of each item in the feature list will capture the readers attention and increase the readability.


In the end, we finish up with a beautiful, to the point advertisement for your Discord server.

There are plenty of improvements we could make from here. More emoji usage near the top and bottom, strategically using bold, italics, and underline to shift a readers attention, using colours, etc.

Thanks for reading, and if you hold any questions at all, please contact me in the Discord Street Support server by clicking here, or if you’re looking for a group of like minded individuals, join Discord Growth. A Discord group made for server owners to exchange information, tips, tricks, and more. If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to give the article a few claps. You can give up to 50! See you in the next one!

