I’m currently in 2730 th position in the queue

Lewis Holland
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2017

It’s that time of the season again, THE PLAYOFFS aka the queue.

Sheffield Wednesday

For the fans of the clubs that are involved in the end of season drama, this is nail biting time.

For the ‘neutral’ fans who possibly rarely watch lower league football, this is great entertainment.

For the clubs, this is the time to make it all count. There is obviously also the commercial aspect of things, a promotion creates a bumper effect on fan & sponsorship revenues for the next season.

It’s interesting to observe how clubs cope with the overwhelming effect of fans flocking to buy tickets. Reminds me of when I’m in the queue at Wimbledon in summer. It’s a somewhat unique experience. The difference is at Wimbledon, as a fan, you can plan your day around the queue. In this case it’s a matter of timing, patience, and a bit of luck!

Queuing should be used for marketing

In ecommerce queuing and waiting lists are being used as a marketing tool. A good reference point is to have a read on how a new startup called Robinhood.com launched their product. One reference article can be found here. The fact that customer had to queue to get access was used to create a viral marketing campaign, whereby sharing increase your chances of moving quicker in the queue.

For the playoffs in particular a club might not want even further traffic or demand to deal with, however from a marketeer’s perspective this becomes a bigger story. One that where your brands is talked about further, and sticks in the mind of the audience.

Another small suggestion I’d have is the club could potentially use this idle time to cross sell other products or gifts to the fans.

Reading FC
Sheffield Wednesday

To all of you who are managing the queue, or in the queue — Goodluck!

For readers who manage online stores and would like to talk further please share your feedback below. You can contact me through www.discountif.com or email contact@discountif.com.

DiscountIF is a promotions tool to increase monetisation of sports fans.



Lewis Holland

#CEO #founder #entrepreneur @DiscountIF. Love #startups #ecommerce #deals and new #tech