1776 And The Present Day Stance Of The NBA To China

The founding fathers, Winnie the Pooh, and basketball

Erik Brown
7 min readOct 21, 2019


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The current day we live in is a strange time. Technology seems to come to us at a blinding pace. You can watch streaming movies as you fly at 600 mph above the earth in a plane. This same technology has allowed news and information to spread from one side of the planet to the other in the blink of an eye.

Protests in Hong Kong meet viewers from all over the world. Basketball games being played in every corner of the United States are shared across China. This strange mixture of protests in Hong Kong and basketball adds to our bizarre times.

A recent tweet in support of Hong Kong protesters by the general manager of the Houston Rockets set off a firestorm of controversy and business disasters as it quickly traveled across the globe.

“Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.”

The tweet above was sent out by Daryl Morey on October 4th and within a few days he was already apologizing. According to the New York Post, Chinese partners of the NBA would immediately cut ties with the Houston Rockets. The team had been extremely popular in China due to them drafting a native son, Yao Ming.

“I’m not saying this is a state-affiliated operation. But I’ve…

