According to Nancy Pelosi, We Need a “Strong” Republican Party.

Democrats haven’t learned anything from the last four years.

Lauren Elizabeth
3 min readFeb 14, 2021


Alex Edelman / AFP

After Donald Trump was acquitted by Republicans in the Senate for the incitement of an insurrection following the riots that took place at the Capitol on January 6th, of course there were a number of Democratic lawmakers who felt compelled to weigh in. Among them was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had a particularly irritating but telling insight concerning the acquittal and what it says about the GOP. In her press conference, Pelosi took it upon herself to lament the fact that the country needs a “strong” Republican party, adding how “very important” she felt it was.

As unsurprising as it might be, it’s still incredibly discouraging to be reminded after everything that has taken place that after all this time, and over the past few months alone, Democrats like Nancy Pelosi still haven’t learned a thing.

Of all people, someone in Speaker Pelosi’s position should be all too aware of just how strong the Republican party is. After all, wasn’t it the strength of the Republican party that helped give us Trump? A Republican party that has spent decades calculating, stoking white supremacy and economic anxieties, using any means at their disposal in order to maintain power, no matter the…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx