According to Senate Democrat Joe Manchin, We’re Not Worth That $2000 Check.

Forget McConnell. Democrats have enough active barriers to progress among their own ranks.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readJan 9, 2021


Tasos Kadoposis/Getty Images

Well Democrats have taken the Senate. Of course, before the runoff election President-Elect Joe Biden promised that if Democrats were to win these two incredibly important elections, the American people would get their $2000 checks. Of course, leave it to none other than West Virginia blue dog Democrat Joe Manchin to become an active barrier between Americans, and the relief they desperately need.

Former Bernie Sanders top advisor and syndicated Journalist David Sirota tweeted:

“NEWS: Joe Manchin is worth $7 million and is now threatening to singlehandedly deny $2,000 checks to the 70 percent of West Virginians who would be eligible for the checks — at a time when his state is facing mass starvation.”

Attached to the tweet was an article written by Sirota and Andrew Perez, where they write:

“…Manchin told the Washington Post he will “absolutely not” support a new round of $2,000 survival checks that congressional…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx