Credit: ‘She Can’, a work by Guess Who


Adapting to a World So Transformed by a Pandemic.

Sakshi Kharbanda, Ph.D.
Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readApr 29, 2021


Adapting is not a threat to people’s freedoms. It does require a change in their perception of freedom, though. Limits placed on individual freedoms to deter them from acting as they wish are not to be regarded as a diminution of their freedoms rather a strategy that would lead to stability for all. In this day and age, when individual freedom of thought and action has gained considerable ground, the responsibility that comes with the freedom has to be taken more seriously than ever.

Democracy requires reciprocity from citizens. It is based on the principle of subsidiarity, which places trust in the actions taken at the local level and leaves only that to the Centre, which cannot be handled otherwise. Do some old rules need to be modernized? Ancient power structures need to be examined critically. If power needs to be decentralized, so does the responsibility. More responsibility substantiates the need for equal authority. Vibrant democracies make it easier for that to happen and namesake democracies, on the contrary, impede the…



Sakshi Kharbanda, Ph.D.
Dialogue & Discourse

Learner| Researcher| Writer. Writes on Democracy, Capitalism and Inclusion. Fascinated by Mathematics and Mathematicians.