Albuquerque Sustainability

Albuquerque’s Climate Action Plan Sets a Vision for the Future

An Interview with the City’s First Sustainability Officer

Dialogue & Discourse
6 min readApr 22, 2020


Image Source: Shutterstock

Kelsey Rader is the City of Albuquerque’s first Sustainability Officer. She is also on the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission and was previously the Natural Resource Policy Director of New Mexico First. She is in charge of coordinating numerous efforts associated with the City of Albuquerque’s Climate Action Plan.

What is Albuquerque’s Sustainability Plan?

The Sustainability Office advances Albuquerque as a leader in equitable, long-term environmental solutions. We support city government and the community in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while growing our economy and protecting resident health. Our projects focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, low-carbon transportation, and reducing waste.

As recipients of the support through Bloomberg Philanthropies’ American Cities Climate Challenge, Albuquerque’s current sustainability goals include:

· Using 100 percent renewable energy for municipal operations by 2030

· Reducing the City’s energy usage by 65% by 2025



Joe Thomas
Dialogue & Discourse

EV traveler, writer, futurist. Author of The Wealth of the Planet, While We Were Charging, and Martian Economics -->