Apple Might Make a Big Jump

Increased search crawler activity could signal — Enhanced Siri or Google’s competitor.

Swati Suman
Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readNov 19, 2020


Apple is another name for Innovation! Be it Newton’s law of universal gravitation or Steve Jobs multinational technology firm Apple Inc. the roleplay of innovation has broadened the expanse of discovery.

For thousands of years, the most dramatic events centrally focus on human development through experimental analysis.

On comparing the previous history, there is a transcendental shift in human progress at personal fronts and a technological level. The reason for this progressive advancement is the “Think Different” and “Be Creative” approach.

In the information age, the individual’s approach to seeking knowledge, resolving queries, disseminating information, and communicating has touched the roots of modernization, especially through digital developments.

The technological company Apple Inc.’s growth boom in designing, developing and selling consumer electronics, computer software, and other online services centrally rest on thinking differently.

With this innovative and creative impulse, Steve Jobs managed to change the world of technology and design far beyond anyone’s imagination. And the company’s pace is speeding up with time, emerging as a fierce competitor and challenging the global markets.

This time Apple might make a potential-jump as a search engine giving competition to Google.

This came as no thunderbolt to me. Somewhere down the line, people might have considered the possibility of other search engines. But, precisely when was the uncertainty. Apple certainly has turned our probable analysis into reality. With technological advancements accelerating at a rapid pace, it is natural for the market to become competitive.

According to the Financial Times report

Apple has accelerated work to develop its own search engine that would allow the iPhone maker to offer an alternative to Google. For context, this behavior has been witnessed for a while as people have been observant about the feature popping up in beta versions of iOS.

Jon Henshaw of Coywolf had noted back in August that the search volume is rising incredibly from Apple’s crawler.

As per the Financial Times, Apple is developing its own search engine technology as the United States antitrust authorities threaten multi-billion dollar payments, which Google makes to be the iPhone’s primary engine. As per the lawsuit, the tech giant misuses its power to shut down its competitor in search ads.

While Apple has been earlier focussing on its in-house search development, the lawsuit against Google made it explore the opportunity. To discover the opportunity requires critical analysis, market survey, taking calculated risks, and of course, thinking differently.

The Founder Steve Jobs greatly inherited these skills, and the legacy is transferred thereafter. He quoted in the Apples “Think Different” campaign:

“Here’s to the crazy ones — the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Thus, Apple’s success with progressing times is an eye-opener towards grabbing the right opportunities with creative thinking.

Presently delving into search engine technology, reports mentioned that Apple two years ago hired Google’s head of search, John Giannandrea, in a move designed to improve artificial intelligence capabilities and its Siri virtual personal assistant incorporated as a feature of Apple iPhones.

Siri’s increase in search activity could be explained by getting more search queries and acting as an interlocutor between Apple and other search services like Google or Microsoft’s Bing. Previously, Google began this disintermediation, had modified and expanded over the years to combat a similar kind of behavior from Siri.

As of now, unclarity resides in how Apple will execute its search engine application. It also becomes tumultuous because of Google’s global dominance in the technology industry and people’s trustworthiness.

The matter has taken a point of discussion with no conclusion. Some reports claim that Apple will compete with Google and have its own websites and apps for phones. Contrarily, other reports mentioned that it would just be a feature to boost iOS devices’ spotlight.

So let’s collectively reason out about the search engine happening, digesting, and analyzing the latest developments. Because as Steve Jobs rightly said —

“Creativity is just connecting things.”



Swati Suman
Dialogue & Discourse

In the rhythm of words, I try to unfold life. Thoughtful expressions in Philosophy, Science, Humanities. Compassion above All. Email: