Capitalism’s Last Gasp

The Trump Presidency is the final nail in the coffin

Frank Lukacovic
4 min readNov 14, 2018


When we look back at the 2016 election and subsequently, the Trump administration, we will remember it as the beginning of the end to pure capitalism in the United States. Donald Trump has managed to pull the mask off the absurdity of capitalism here. He has also awakened the left in the process.

Thousands of articles have been written on the reasons Donald Trump was elected. And there are many answers to that question including that many voters who had nothing left to lose so they rolled the dice on Trump. They knew they were getting status quo with Hillary Clinton. She told them that America was already great. Imagine how that felt when you can barely pay your bills.

For decades, the United States has deregulated markets, destroyed unions, cut social spending, and cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Even the so-called left wing party, the Democrats, have done little to reverse this trend. There has been this belief that markets fix everything, apparently including climate change. And what we see now is stagnant wages, unaffordable housing, unaffordable education, unaffordable health insurance, crumbling infrastructure, and a planet on the brink of extinction.



Frank Lukacovic
Dialogue & Discourse

M.A. in Applied Economics. I'm here to talk about economics, politics, and life. Follow me here and on Twitter @BagsFoSho