Conspiracies are Everywhere…Including the White House Lawn

Nadin Brzezinski
Dialogue & Discourse


Those who believe in all kinds of conspiracies are in the ascendancy. They are the types who believe that mysterious forces are there to squash the masses. They know the people need fear. They are all-powerful and mysterious and above accountability. (And yes, there is bias in reporting towards corporate interests. We know that these are the people who run most major media, and there are some stories are ignored or immensely played down.) However, this has reached the level of mass hysteria. Why we hear the canard of fake news. Moreover, the worst offenders in peddling an alternate reality, are the worst in this respect. The right-wing alternative media echo chamber is busy protecting those special interests, spreading fantasy, and not reporting facts. We will have more to say on them bellow.

Let’s start with the least damaging conspiracy theories. These do not get not much of a hearing outside their echo chambers. Some are old and have been with us in one form or another for some time. Yes, aliens walk among us, and they (usually some in government) are hiding this from us. Maybe some are aliens themselves, see lizard people. The government is spying on all of us (there is some evidence that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security would like to make this a reality, but I digress.) they have been doing this for decades. The means change…



Nadin Brzezinski
Dialogue & Discourse

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB